SpecialMoments – your resource on net art, software art, and other computer based art forms – netkunst, softwarekunst og andre computerbaserede kunstformer


A truly classic piece from Belgian/Dutch artist duo Jodi. If you were starting to feel like the internet was a warm and familiar space, then let Jodi show you what the aesthetics of computer errors are all about.

Specific found possible
One of Vuk Cosics (Slovenia) first websites made in connection to conference “ per se” in 1996. It was made to replicate CNN’s site at the time and can now can serve as a historical document of the ideas of early net.artists. Also read an interview with mr. Cosichere.

Artnode 1997
Courtesy of ‘The Way Back Machine’ at, we’re able to take a look at the pioneering Danish organisation Artnode’s site from the year 1997. This is definitly old school … Check it out here. For reference, also try their current

Computer art from the sixties
A. Michael Noll’s first computer art was created at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey during the Summer of 1962. This site shows some examples of his seriously old school computer art. Considering the time span, it is surprising how much the works are in tune with recent software art activities.

Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries
Young-hae Changs visual poetry pieces still serve as pointers to how net art can work amazingly well without being interactive at all. WonThe Webby Awards art category in 2001.

Mark Napiers classic alternative browser that shreds the web pages into collages of mangled text and graphics. Shred the web!

According to her site Mouchette is 13 years old and lives in Amsterdam. If you give her your e-mail address she will invite you to her birthday party. Worth checking out.

My boyfriend came back from the war 
The site shows Russian artist Olia Lialinas’ original from 1996 and a number of remixes made by other artists, among these are JoDi.

Vuk Cosic
Slovenian Vuk Cosic was the man that (by accident) came across the word in an indecipherable e-mail he received back in 1995. The only thing he could read in the mail was the word and after that he started using the word in newsgroups etc.

äda’web was one of the first sites back in the mid 1990’s, but became inactive in 1998. The site is still available and contains really super

Rhizome is an essential net art site. It offers art, articles, book reviews, and lots of other things. It also has a pile of mailing lists with, among others, one that sends you a tip each day about net art.
Superbad was one of the works exhibited at the Whitney’s Biennial 2000. The site is full of funny stories, weird features and lots of other things. The man behind it all (Ben Benjamin is his name) often adds an extra front page, so this is a site you should return

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