If you’ve had any dealings with Rhizome over the past two and a half years, chances are you’ve interacted with our editorial manager, Kaela Noel. As
Created in 1999, the website that accompanied the public commission for the Lycée de St Julien en Genevoix has been put back online at the request of the students themselves.
From the original website created in 1999, made in basic …
Crée en 1999, le site internet qui accompagnait la commande publique du Lycée de St Julien en Genevoix a été remis en ligne à la demande des lycéens eux-mêmes.
Du site web originel crée en 1999, fait en HTML …
Ce livre: Les 20 ans du CIAC est paru en 2004, et il est plus ou moins épuisé… Il contient une photo de Mouchette.…
It was so hard to show my face next to the work and publicise it. I did it and survived 😉…
René Vallentgoed died on 17 March 2018 and here I want to write him a Mouchette Obituary.
René was a real and a virtual person all in one. He played a very special role in the early Mouchette website …
A Goodbye and a Hello from Rhizome HQ
If you’ve had any dealings with Rhizome over the past two and a half years, chances are you’ve interacted with our editorial manager, Kaela Noel. As
This blog has been the subject of malicious attacks which have detected by the web host and then patiently cleaned out by Nikos.…
Who is that girl on Mouchette’s homepage?
Her name is Céline. Last week in London we saw each other again for the first time after 30 years!…
“Naming and Necessity” Saul Kripke 1980
The name of Mouchette has been cut out in this page inside the catalogue of Electronic Superhighway.
And for the first time the name of the Martine Neddam appeared in the show of …
This could be my New Year’s card for 2016, carrying all my best wishes for everyone. Why? Why be so obsessed about a film on the Shoah and the Sondercommandos? What mysterious message does it carry to the future, some …
Two views of the performance I helped Peter Luining to make during the Yami-Ichi (Black Market of the Internet) in Amsterdam, De Brakke Grond on 10 May 2015…
Rehearsing for the Yami-ichi, preparing the table, sharpening the details of scenario.…
My new business cards have round edges like my new website and they are inspired by Mouchette, of course! The design is by Stephanie Boisset.…
das Büro – Blog des Webstudios Stéphanie Boisset » inside/out
Working on my new site with Stephanie Boisset, franco-german webdesigner around the time of King’s day in Amsterdam.…
Annie Abrahams: from estranger to e-stranger
A book to read online or download as pdf
Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman, BridA / Tom Kerševan, Jurij Pavlica, Sendi Mango, Vlado Repnik, Jasmina Zaloznik, Igor Stromajer, Mojca Krisch of Tozibabe, Maja Delak, C. …
Jacques Derrida – Ghost dance – YouTube
Ghost Dance is a 1983 British film directed by Ken McMullen. This independent film explores the beliefs and myths surrounding the existence of ghosts and the nature of cinema. The film focuses on …