Art Salad / kunst op het web


The Ad Generator

Uit de website:
The ad generator is a generative artwork that explores how advertising uses and manipulates language. Words and semantic structures from real corporate slogans are remixed and randomized to generate invented slogans. These slogans are then paired with related images from Flickr, thereby generating fake advertisements on the fly. By remixing corporate slogans, I intend to show how the language of advertising is both deeply meaningful, in that it represents real cultural values and desires, and yet utterly meaningless in that these ideas have no relationship to the products being sold. In using the Flickr images, the piece explores the relationship between language and image, and how meaning is constructed by the juxtaposition of the two.

taal: Engels

Art + Interactivity + Web + Aesthetics + Code + Text

Uit de website:
A hybrid of telecommunication software,détournement, and concept art, Artcontext is focused on the aesthetics and politics of collaborative media. Within Artcontext people can behave creatively, destructively or cooperatively; communicating and, at the same time, substantially modifying and revising what will be the experience of the site for future visitors.


taal: Engels

Uit de website:
Experiments in, and explorations of the web.


taal: Engels

Cauldron & net

vier webprojecten, die deels als literatuur en deels als webkunst kunnen worden geduid

taal: Engels

Chrome Experiments

Uit de website:
Chrome Experiments is a showcase for creative web experiments, the vast majority of which are built with the latest open technologies, including HTML5, Canvas, SVG, and WebGL. All of them were made and submitted by talented artists and programmers from around the world.

taal: Engels

Colorasm | the only store selling digital colors

Uit de website:
Formally, the colorasm as a conceptual project addresses several issues evolved recently (and not so recently) in relation to digital and net-art, significance of commerce and the value, ownership and authorship, rights and the basis for such in the realm of open cultural texts. Informally, for the project’s authors, colorasm is a peculiar net-experiment, an open-ended game of art and commerce conceived at the moment of declarative appropriation of 16,777,216 digital colours.


taal: Engels


Uit de website:
Doublecell, singlecell’s 2nd volume, is an online inclosure of responsive ecologies. Its focus is centred about the themes of dyads, twins, pairs, mates, dualities, diptychs, couplets, dicephalics, siamese formations, symbionts, palindromes, mirror images, binary organisms, host-parasite, predator-prey, and parent-child systems.


taal: Engels


Uit de website:
Etoy is art and invests all resources in the production of more art. The firm represents the core and code of the corporate sculpture, and controls, protects, promotes, and exploits the cultural substance (intellectual property) and the etoy.ART-COLLECTION. etoy intends to reinvest all financial earnings in art – the final link in the value chain.


taal: Engels

Ghost City

Uit de website:
Ghost City, an interactive urban environment designed by Jody Zellen


taal: Engels


Uit de website:
The Grammatron project is a “public domain narrative environment” developed by virtual artist Mark Amerika and consists of over over 1100 text spaces, 2000 links, 40+ minutes of original soundtrack delivered via Real Audio 3.0, unique hyperlink structures by way of specially-coded Javascripts, a virtual gallery featuring scores of animated and still life images, and more storyworld development than any other narrative created exclusively for the Web.


taal: Engels

geen toelichting


taal: Engels


Een projectsite van de Nederlander Joan Heemskerk en de Belg Dirk Paesmans, samen JODI geheten, die vanuit hun woonplaats in Californië allerlei kunstprojecten met nieuwe media ondernemen. Waaronder dit project

taal: Engels

Projectsite van een onbekende maker. Althans niet van de persoon, die zich op de homepage aan de beschouwer voorstelt…….


taal: Engels, Frans

My boyfriend came back from the war

beeldvullende flash-presentatie in zwartwit

taal: Engels


Uit de website:
De site staat sinds oktober 1998 op het net. Zo is het uitgegroeid tot een netwerk van pagina’s die allemaal met elkaar verbonden zijn. Er staat meer informatie in het archief. Ik verdien er niets mee. Maar deze site is mede mogelijk gemaakt dankzij het Fonds voor beeldende kunsten, vormgeving en bouwkunst.


taal: Nederlands, Engels, Japans

geen toelichting


taal: ….tsja…..

Official Bluesfear Worm

Uit de website:
Welcome to the Longest Page on the Internet. This is a digital art worm created by the artists here at Blue Sfear with the goal of creating the largest graphics worm on the internet.

taal: Engels


Uit de website:
“Passagen” ist eine mediale Umsetzung und freie Interpretation nach einer Erzählung des argentinischen Schriftstellers Julio Cortázar (Julio Cortázar, Geschichten die ich mir erzähle, Manuskriptfund in einer Jackentasche, 1974 Suhrkamp Verlag,1985). Ort der Handlung ist das suburbane Leben in dem System der Pariser Metro. Entstanden sind zwölf Mediencollagen, bei denen Textausschnitte aus der Erzählung als Grundlage dienen oder teilweise auch Bestandteil sind.


taal: Duits, Engels


Webkunst van Mark Napier. Potatoland is een reeks “digital compositions that collage images, patterns and animation”, en dat al vanaf midden 90-er jaren.


taal: Engels

Uit de website:, a collaborative site, is a library of letters. We are dedicated to bringing art to the web by giving an old craft a new meaning: the writing of literary letters enhanced by powerful images, great design and the ubiquity of the Internet.


taal: Engels


Uit de website:
Soda has been pioneering new experiences through digital media since 1996. we combine an arts and research practice with a broad range of commercial activities, encompassing ideas generation, digital design, content creation, software production, art commissions and research and development. Sodaplay was devised as part of our ongoing ideas generation, research and development process, but mainly we made it just for fun. soda sends a heartfelt thank you to the thousands of people who so enrich sodaplay with their marvellous sodaconstructor creations, just some of which appear in the sodazoo. your creativity is a constant source of joy to us.


taal: Engels


Uit de website:
Welcome to Solitaire… A narrative experiment that combines the fun of a card game with the challenge of telling a good story. Is there a story in your cards?

taal: Engels

Stanza, The central city main site

Uit de website:
Main site includes Inner City + Soundmaps + CCITYV + Soundscraper + Biocity.
A net art work dedicated to cities and urbanism.

taal: Engels

The Bubble Project

…maak je eigen tekstballonnen….

taal: Engels


Transformer is een digitaal verslag van een reis van Daniel Gosling naar de Noordkaap in november en december 2002. Het is “an exploration of the spaces produced in an incrementally signal-hostile environment. Daniel Gosling challenges his own physicality by travelling without sleep, whilst recording his experiences along the way”.


taal: Engels

Trippy Apps – Every Psychedelic Computer Program on the Internet

Uit de website:
Every single trippy, psychedelic, and absurd computer program on the internet. Trip on software, freeware, animations, games, and screensavers.


taal: Engels

Vai Avanti

Uit de website:
Rafaël Rozendaal – Makes websites as art pieces, pieces are sold with domain name, work remains public, name of collector in title bar. Collectors in France, UK, Spain, NL and Austria. Lived in Amsterdam, Rio, Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo, Portland and Berlin. Lives and works in hotels.


taal: Engels

Vector Defenders – On Click Studio / 2003

Uit de website:
Vector Defenders is an experimental project based on the script written by us. This history relates the war, in a remote galaxy, between the image and the vector. War to obtain all the communication power. This site is thought as a trilogy production that narrates the story in interactive and audiovisual way; as a videogame or interactive film. The user introduce himself into a fictitious world, feeling as he is the main caracter of this history.

taal: ….tsja…..

Vispo – langu(im)age

portfolio van de schrijver en multimedia kunstenaar Jim Andrews


taal: Engels

Visual Poetry

geen toelichting

taal: Engels

Viz Études – Loss Pequeño Glazier

Uit de website:
Visual & Kinetic Works / Obras cinéticas & Visuales.

taal: Engels, Spaans

Zombie & Mummie

een russische, maar grotendeels engelstalige webindex, die vaak voert naar strips met Zombie en Mummie.

taal: Engels


Uit de website:
The ZOOMQUILT – a collaborative art project


taal: Engels


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