Dead Digital Darlings

Title: A fake Mouchette website
Author : author unknown
Medium: HTML, Jpgs, gifs, javascripts
Dimensions: 279k (206K as a zipped archive)
Year of making: 2000 (or before)
Starting price: 150 euros
Description: In the early years of internet, when the website of Mouchette became famous, many people appropriated her personality and made fake Mouchette websites. This is one of them, hosted at, a free platform of that time.  I managed to copy this site before Angelfire got down.
This website has nicely resisted obsolescence, the javascripts are still working. But it could also function in an old-browser-emulator.
It is to be hoped that this website will be hosted again somewhere and regain a life as a fake Mouchette website.


Here is the zip file of the actual website: angelfire

Description: In the early years of internet, when the website of Mouchette became famous, many people appropriated her personality and made fake Mouchette websites. This is one of them, hosted at, a free platform of that time. I managed to copy this site before Angelfire got down.
This website can initiate a lover of vintage internet to the joys of website preservation.
When you open the index file you try to click on the links, you wonder where it goes, if it works or not, if the code is still active or not, and what all the files in this folder are used for.
You are in the situation of trying to resucitate an artificial creature by means some magic coding skills that you have or will find. But maybe you are just looking at a dead virtual girl in an open casket/folder.

The story of Mouchette (the book, the film, the website) is the story of a girl who commits suicide at the age of 13. After the story has gone viral, and the fake websites have been created, abandoned and then collected, one wonders how much love and digital care can be given to a DDD (read: a Dead Digital Darling) to bring it back to online life?

It is to be hoped that this website will be hosted again somewhere and regain a life as a fake Mouchette website.

When asked to propose a work for the event called Dead Darlings where old or unsellable works are being auctioned, this one didn’t even make it to the primary selection, and was never offered to a public.

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