Kyle Riedel
By Kyle Riedel
8minus8 a nice site
by a net artist that serves as a portal to many design/architecture/ sites
My Boyfriend Came back From The WarOlia Lialina’s 1996 classic work, and many remixes
Yael Kanarek
Click the HELLO
link, make sure your audio is on. The World
of Awe link takes you to his larger narrative project
New Media/Community is a great site of net.artist
interviews, info, news groups, etc. sign up for rhizome digest and/or Net
Art News for the latest in great archive of web
art, simple to navigate as well
Art and Culture Great
resource for artist/designer/musician info
Dian a network for artists
who explore WWWÇs creative potentialities For all your design scene news.
Social Networking
Flickr: a photo Friendster
43 things: what do you want to do? bookmarking gone wild
Conscientious. A truley amazing informative and committed Photography weblog.
Computer Games (independent)
k.i.s.s. of the
panopticon This is a simple and straightforward introduction to the often
confusing and difficult world of cultural theory, new media, and visual literacy the man who wrote the book.
The language of New Media
C-theory essays archives and more on cultural
and critical theory
Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto
Great Source for Literature and theory texts online, copyright free.
Sol Lewitt “Sentences on Conceptual art”
Digital Cameras/Photoshop Technique
DP Review Great Site for camera reviews
and exhaustive to sometimes bitchy forum activity.
Imaging resource Another great digital camera review site that has a great feature called the “comparometer” check it out.
Luminous-landscape Great site of all things digital photography, cameras, software, technique
pslover Hundreds of Adobe Photoshop tutorials.
Human Descent a site of fun human/animal photoshop morphs
Free Stock Imagery
Robin Good: article describing several free image sites
Final Cut Pro
Ken Stone’s Final Cut Pro Page
Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group
holy css (great resource page)
Flash Tutorials
- Macromedia Flash
- Vector Kid
- Flashkit
- Spoono
- kirupa
- webwasp
- flash guru (actionscript)
- wildform (actionscript)
rtmark Throwing a wrench in the cogs of
the corporate machine
Brucemaudesign An Incomplete
Manifesto for Growth.
New Media–New Narrative
:An article featureing John Cabral, Mouchette and Mumbleboy – Curated by David
Crawford is a sight of weird, interesting,
and often comical websites
8minus8 a cool site by a net artist with
tons of her own work and links to tons other and design sites. resource for
images on the net.
good resource for slide labeling and CV guidelines get your daily dose
of Haiku