Index | Schedule | Syllabus | Projects
Week 1
Jan 6th
Introduction to the course. Syllabus.
Introduction to the Mac OS.
Read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_media_art
In eLearning, find the discussion forum titled New Media Art Wiki. Respond the the posted questions.
Reading: Mark Tribe New Media Art Introduction
(DUE Monday, Jan 13th at Midnight to eLearning discussion forum)
- videos about the Mac (1 hour) to watch and play around with the Mac
- Basics and comparison to PC:http://support.apple.com/kb/VI207
- Finder Basics http://support.apple.com/kb/VI209
- Expose Basics http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2503
- Using Safari http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4550
- Mighty Mouse Setup: http://vimeo.com/4331783
- 3. Bookmark this! Keyboard shortcuts for the Machttp://guides.macrumors.com/Keyboard_shortcuts
- thumb drive or travel hard drive or you can bring your own laptop and work. Newegg or Amazon are good bets.
Extra Resources: - optional: If you are feeling a bit shy about your experience with the graphic arts please use this link Digital Foundations for a really good companion to the topics in this class. The material is free and they use the adobe software to do Bauhaus design projects.
Jan 8th
Mashup Lecture: What is a Mashup?
Introduction to the first project: the Audio Self Portrait
Introduction to Audacity
- Continue reading
- Gather songs for your self portrait
- Draft of Audio Self Portrait Due: Jan 16th
Week 2
Jan 14th
Discussion of the reading
Copyright Lecture (PDF)
Draft of Audio Self Portrait DUE Jan 16th
Jan 16th
Groups Assigned
DUE: Draft of Audio Self Portrait
- How to save Ogg files
- How to Export MP3s
- Link Here
Upload your MP3 to the eLearning discussion forum. Each member of your group should listen to each others song. Provide two areas of improvement, two areas of strength, and one insite. (Simply writing “I like it” is not sufficient.)
Week 3
Jan 21st
Critique! Audio Self Portrait DUE
Upload your MP3 files to the dropbox in eLearning. (Hold onto your both your OGG and MP3 files, we will need them at the end of the course.) Include your 2-3 paragraph statement. This statement should discuss your project both conceptually and technically. (Hold onto your statements as well. We will also need these for your portfolios.)
Photoshop Tutorials
This is for an older version of Photoshop, but the basics are the same.
Jan 23rd
Finish Audio Self Portrait Critiques
Intro to Photoshop
Week 4/5
Jan 28th/Feb 4th
- Finish Photoshop Clinic
- Introduction to Project 2: the Mashup
- Nic Cage is Everywhere exercise
- Group topics assigned
- What makes a good mashup? exercise
- The power of groups (in Photoshop)
Nic Cage as ?? Photomanipulation
Pay special attention to graphics lessons we discussed in class. What is the resolution of the the two images you want to merge? How will that effect your methodology. Save a copy, limit the saved file to a maximum length of either side 1000px and a default ‘medium’ quality jpeg. Please remember to label the file with your first initial, last name plus a file name e.g. sgevurtz_cage_as_shamu.jpeg. This is due before class on Thursday, Feb 6th. Please save a medium jpeg as before and turn it in via eLearning dropbox before Thursday.Save this file for inclusion in your portfolio for the end of semester.
- You Suck at Photoshop Videos
- Volume 1: Distort, Warp and Layer Effects
- Volume 2: Covering your mistakes
- Volume 3: Clone Stamp and Manual Cloning
- Volume 4: Paths and Masks
- Volume 5: Select Color Range
There is a whole series of these, so feel free to watch more.
DISCLAIMER: If you have small children around, you might not want to watch infront of them.
- Proposal for Project 2: Mashup (Post your 1-2 sentence proposal to the discussion forum)
What are the two things that you are going to put together? - Nic Cage is Exerywhere exercise
- Digital Painting Tutorials (See link below)
Jan 30th/Feb 6th
- Discussion of proposals
- Post your proposal for your mashup project. What are the two things you plan to mash together? For what effect?Group Exercise: In your groups you will discuss your proposals. Each person must identify two strengths of the idea, two potential weaknesses and one insight. If you are between multiple ideas, help each other determine the strength and weaknesses of each so that you can pick the strongest.
- A taste of Digital Painting
- Lab – work on your mashup, finish Nic Cage is everywhere
- Mashup Draft DUE Feb 11th
You need to have about 6 different variations for your draft. They should be quick drafts, and not take you longer than 15 minutes each. Think of them in a similar way that you might think of a sketch for a drawing. They can all be the same topic, or if you are between ideas here is your chance to flush them out and pick one. - Come with 1-2 tricks or tips about Photoshop to share with the class. There will be a discussion forum for any video tutorials you find that you would like to share.
Week 6
Feb 11th
Group discussion of quick drafts. Post one or two to the discussion forum in eLearning. In your groups discuss at least two areas of improvement, two areas of strength, and one insite. This is a good opportunity to narrow down layout, ideas, etc.
1-2 Photoshop tips or tricks
Mashup drafts
- Speed Photoshop
- Lab
Mashup Draft DUE Feb 18th: this needs to be a more polished draft
Reading: Corporate Parody/Culture Jamming
- Read “Corporate Parody” section –https://wiki.brown.edu/confluence/display/MarkTribe/New+Media+Art#NewMediaArt-Beginnings Culture Jamming – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_jamming
- Etoy – https://wiki.brown.edu/confluence/display/MarkTribe/Etoy
- ®TMark – https://wiki.brown.edu/confluence/display/MarkTribe/RTMark
- Reading response DUE Monday, Feb 17th at midnight to eLearning discussion forum
Feb 13th
Watch: RIP! A Remix Manefesto LINK
RIP! A Remix Manefesto Questions
Post your responses to the Discussion Forum in eLearning.
Week 7
Feb 18th
DUE: RIP! A Remix Manefesto Response (Posted to Discussion forum in eLearning)
- Group Presentation: Corporate Parody/Culture Jamming
- Printing Demo
- Trimming Demo
- Second Discussion of Drafts
- Post a JPG (Save for web, medium quality) to the discussion forums. In your group look at each group members drafts. On the discussion forum post two things that work, two areas of improvement and one insight. (Remember, an insight is something like “it reminds me of this …” etc.) Simply stating “It’s good” is not sufficient feedback.
- Image and Semiotics Lecture: Intro to Project 3, Lie to Me
Continue Working on Mashup
Feb 20th
Printing Day!
Come ready to print your Mashups. If you are not ready to print, it is your responsibility to come during print lab hours to get your Mashup printed.
Instructions for printing:
- Save your files as a tiff or PDF file
- If you want to print a test, use the 5550 printer. (Keep in mind colors will be slightly different because of paper/ink used.)
- Place your file on a flashdrive for the lab monitor or Colleen.
- Instruct the lab monitor to use gloss photo paper.
- If you have a heavily black image, make sure your blacks are saved as pure black (code OOO).
- Trim your Mashup.
- And you are done.
Week 8
Feb 25th
Hacking/Hacktivism group needs to give me readings to assign.
Hacking/Hacktivism Reading
AM Section:
Mark Tribe, “New Media Art”:
Overview: Themes/Tendencies: Hackers and hacktivism
Artists: Cory Arcangel, Electronic Disturbance Theater
Optional Further Reading:
Artwork: Cory Arcangel’s Super Mario Clouds
Electronic Disturbance Theater on Wikipedia
Hacktivism on Wikipedia
Bonus: “The Hacker’s Manifesto” by The Mentor
PM Section:
DUE: Monday, March 3rd at midnight
Lie to Me project proposal (presentation PDF from last week LINK)
DUE: Thursday, Feb 27th at the beginning of class. Post it to the discussion forum in eLearning.
Feb 27th
Group discussion of Lie to Me proposals.
Group discussions of proposals. Discuss two areas of strength, two areas of weakness and one insite. Post to the discussion boards.
Extra Credit:
Steam Show – pick an two artists from the show to write a page paper about. Discuss their work, how their work deals with science/technology. Hint: compare and contrast their medias/concepts that they are working with.
Reading Continued: Response DUE Monday, March 3rd at midnight
Lie to Me Draft DUE March 4th
Week 9
March 4th
DUE: Lie to Me Rough Draft
DUE: Reading response to eLearning
In Class:
Hacking and Hacktivism Presentation
Group Discussions of Rough Drafts. Post JPGs of your rough draft to the discussion forum on eLearning. In your groups discuss each member’s draft. Come up with two areas of improvement, two strong areas, and one insight. Post these to the discussion forum as a response.
Corporate Parody/Culture Jamming AM | PM
Lie to Me DUE date is going to be pushed back to March 20th.
Intervention Presentation therefore will be pushed forward to March 18th.
Focus on: Getting Started and Toolbar. Try to start looking at some of the other playlists as well.
March 6th
Introduction to Sketchup
Loading Flattery for unfolding.
Short Exercise: Make a box on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Cut it out and paste it together.
Over the break Exercise:
Practice creating a geometric object. This object should have at least 8 sides. Unfold your object and have it ready for printing when we get back from sping break.
Final Print Size cannot be larger than 24″ x 24″
- Reading: Intervention
- AM Section:
- PM Section:
- They would like you to revisit Mark Tribe’s introduction and re-read the section on Intervion as well as read:
- https://wiki.brown.edu/confluence/display/MarkTribe/Heath+Bunting+and+Kayle+Brandon
https://wiki.brown.edu/confluence/display/MarkTribe/Paul+Kaiser+and+Shelley+Eshkar - https://wiki.brown.edu/conflu ence/display/MarkTribe/Paul+Kaiser+and+Shelley+Eshkar
- The links below are actual sites that were hyperlinked in the above passage about Interventions:
- Continue on Lie to Me project
- Sketchup Exercise: Final Printed and Folded DUE March 25th
Have a good spring break! Stay out of trouble unless it is for ART!
Week 10
March 18th
- Paper Box
- Reading
In Class:
- Intervention Presentation
- Printing if ready (you really should be)
- Sketchup Exercise (See March 6th for details)
Remember that the print area cannot be larger than 24 inches by 24 inches
Internetion Presentation Survey
- Identity Readings TBA
- Finish Lie to Me project
- Continue to work on Sketchup Exercise
March 20th
Lie to Me Project
In Class:
CRITIQUE! Be ready to start at the beginning of class
In eLearning post JPGs for your Lie to Me images and your 2-3 paragraph statement about your project in the dropbox in eLearning.
- Identity Readings DUE: Wednesday March 26th at midnight
- Continue to work on Sketchup Exercise DUE March 25th
Be sure to come to my artist lecture on Thursday, March 20th (this Thursday) at 5pm! IMAGE
Week 11
March 25th
Unfolded 8 sided geometric object (Folded geometric object is due no later than Thursday.)
In class:
Introduction to 4th Project: the Virus Lantern
Identity Reading:
AM Section:
Mark Tribe sources:
Outside sources:
PM Section:
- http://www.mouchette.org
- https://wiki.brown.edu/confluence/display/MarkTribe/Mouchette
- http://www.rchoetzlein.com/pub/subjective_media.pdf
- http://www.clir.org/pubs/resources/promoting-digital-scholarship-ii-clir-neh/index.html/murray11_11.pdf
March 27th
In class:
Identity Presentation
Informal Critique of Mini Project: 8 or more sided objects
Draft of Virus DUE Tuesday, March April 1st
Plan to have a printed and put together first draft of your virus. Print area (unfolded area) cannot be larger than 24inches by 36inches. If you come in during the weekend, be sure to tell the lab monitor that for the draft we are using heavyweight coated paper.
I will not print a final for your virus until you have printed a draft. The paper we are using for the final is Matte Photo.