more than… code!

more than….

4. At the moment, this is my favorite piece of code (java). It is from the artist Mouchette ( who took it from the artist known as JODI ( who may have gotten it from someplace else.

var doScrolling = false;
var index = 0;
var yy = 0;
var xx = 0;
var Colors = new Array(“#000000″,”#111100”);
function scrollToCenter() {
function scrollit( ) {
window.setTimeout( “scrollit()”, 1);
xx = Math.round( 90 + Math.random() * 200);

yy = Math.round( 70 + Math.random() * 150);

function changeBG() {
index = Math.round(Math.random() * (Colors.length-1) );
document.bgColor = Colors[index];
// –>

5. Economics: At this moment, Information on the net like the code above, is given and taken without much thought as to ownership. Unfortunately, people seem to be trying to change this.

6. Location: On the net, your home is just a click away from site about some million dollar company or somebodies cat.

7. Architecture: With a little bit of skill, you can make a site that is more sophisticated than the million dollar company that is just a click away. Inversely, someone can make a site about there cat that blows you away.

8. Time: The net was created when I was young. We are now growing together.

9. People: Sometimes it is hard to say who is who. My name is not M. River , but this is who I choose to be online.

10. Change: The net will be different by the time you reach the end of this sentence.


This is an extract  from a work by M. River

Here is the first page of this work:

Response to Invitation by the Artist Lee Ming – Sheng for the work entitled “More Than A Sketch And An Image” Title of Response: ” Let I = The Avatar M. River (AKA More Than a Construct And A Body)”
IntroductionOne day in the year 2001 an email came to me from an artist I have never met. Ming Lee – Sheng asked me to take part in an artwork. He or She (sorry, gender signs are often vague in email) states: “in this project I am inviting written contributions from active artist, art critics and curators in response to questions on their backgrounds and life philosophy, with a view to showing the interrelationship between an individual’s life experience and his or her practice in the field of art ”

Of course, as you can tell if you are reading this text now, I said yes. Unfortunately, there is a slight problem. Not exactly a problem but more of a condition. My name is not Mark River. My body was born under another name. Mark River is a online construct. It is a character that was created for the formation of internet and real world artworks in the collaborative (with the artist T. Whid) known as MTAA.

(Hey, at this point you should stop reading this and take a look at the MTAA website This will give you a better idea as to what I am trying to say here…well maybe…)

Anyway, like I saying, Mark River is a real time fiction. But like all avatars, I think it (or should I say I?) needs a creation story. So, in response to Lee Ming – Sheng’s nine questions about my life, this fiction is Mark River’s story.

Next page >


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