- ascii: artistic standart code for information interchange, http://www.ascii.lt []
- structure-00, http://www.structure-00.org [The idea of the project derives from the intention to produce an art piece that is not a classical production of making archetypical handmade original piece, but a structured hybrid network.]
- carpet/?s, http://triple-double-u.com [carpet/?s is a php based application where internet resources are used as yarn to make ascii cloths. The influence of a surfer is as small as a click of a mouse. All the rest is done by a machine.]
- confettis, http://www.confettiS.org/unetun/pres.html [the confetti is site of creation between texts images / confettiS est un site de création à la recherche d’espaces propices au basculement du temps. Nous réalisons des performances, installations, video, objets relatifs au web: sites, cd-roms et installations.]
- ex-zero.net // rez@technart.net // reg ex zero, http://www.ex-zero.net []
- technart.net netsummer 2003 ||| v6F YELLOO ||| jacques perconte || yeah yeah, http://www.technart.net [technart.net, espace d’exp?rimentation et de cr?ation – cin?ma, cr?ation en ligne, photographie … carnet de travail. Jacques Perconte]
- Untitled Document, http://www.geocities.com/f3con_mw286/output.html []
- Atelier d’émotions – Cathbleue, http://www.cathbleue.com []
- Le Voyage Immobile – Picabiette – Cathbleue, http://voyage.immobile.free.fr []
- indexof /, http://www.misterbonnie.com []
- NEOGEJO, http://www.neogejo.com []
- | ach_tttp:///vnatrc?net | c], http://vnatrc.net [ :: v.n.a.t.r.c.? | vnatrc BigFruit desinformation center :: art, dogma & philosophy :: perplex propaganda :: no web-art :: i-machines & e-tools]
- egaP emoH – etatS fo tnemtrapeD SU, http://www.salty.org/summary/state_gov.html []
- JOURNAL INFIME, http://journalinfime.free.fr [Pour tout savoir ou presque rien…]
- Net.art – Doctor Hugo || Museums of the Mind || , http://www.doctorhugo.org [In our minds we all have private museums, secret places for our most vivid memories, imagination and dreams. Explore the future of the senses: fuzzy dreamz, post-ego and tele-synaesthesia.]
- antidollar, http://www.antidollar.org [La Banque Universale de l’Art est un organisme non-lucratif ouvert y’ tous les artistes non dollaro-dy’pendants, afin de provouvoir l’usage du DELLAR [=/anti-dollar] dans la communication des artistes entre eux et avec leurs publics. L’usage du DELLAR apparay’t comme la seule alternative cry’dible y’ la domination y’conomique socio-politique du dollar dans l’UNIVERS]
- various-euro, http://kickme.to/ve [various-euro portal – various europe –]
- ——————————–SYSTAIME © , http://www.systaime.com [ systaime art art web net art netart art videoa,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 porno, site porn,manger,video en direct est le site officiel sexe le plus complet du sexe web francophone, sexe ici nos site amateur sexy seront ? vos pieds et vous serez le seul maitre de tout vos desirs de sexe et de vos fantasmes sexe les plus fous, c’est le paradis du sexe.>]
- ascii pr0n . com , http://www.asciipr0n.com [ascii pr0n site]
- nickbarker.org, http://www.nickbarker.org [24 : 08 : 2001 heaven and hell (a work in progress) splash art about sound : sonicart.co.uk private]
- WWW.SOUS TERRE.NET | 2000 | ? gregory chatonsky , http://www.sous-terre.net [SOUS TERRE est une oeuvre interactive r?alis?e gr?gory chatonsky pour le centenaire du m?tro de Paris. UNDER GROUND is an interactive work created by gregory chatonsky for centenaire of the subway of Paris France 1900-2000 with the support of the RATP. France 1900-2000 avec le soutien de la RATP]
- incident v 4.02 – affect & percept datasystem, http://www.incident.net [Incident est une plateforme digitale qui pr?sente des oeuvres d’art sp?cifiquement r?alis?es pour Internet et donne acc?s y’ des ressources sur l’art technologique. Incident present works specifically created for Internet (,et art, cyber art, mail art) and gives access to technological art resources.]
- Téléférique, site de téléchargement, http://www.teleferique.org [Teleferique, site de telechargement]
- SOULBATH.COM, http://www.soulbath.com
- analogue remission, http://www.gmunk.com/
- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||…………………||||, http://www.redsmoke.com/
- trashconnection, http://trashconnection.com [net-art]
- powerbul, http://powerbul.free.fr [powerbul is a real web multimedia walldrawing]
- 1969 Selbst-los / Self-less 2000, http://www.wolf-kahlen.de/ [<…>The first page is an image of My Self (1969), which looses “one pixel” the moment you open it. <…>]
- ctrlaltdel—–> v. 30.37 tue 6 mar 2001 11:19:54 (CET), [minimalist netart project in progress containing lots of interactive shockwave pieces.]
- jimpunk.com, http://www.jimpunk.com [jimpunk, web, multimedia, walldrawing, art, ufo, cool, powerbul]
- Untitled Document, http://perso.wanadoo.es/oriolespinal/frame%20net%20art.htm []
- ATELIERMOBILE | index | willkommen bei ateliermobile, http://www.ateliermobile.de []
- my arms hurt, http://www.o-o.lt/flesh/drie.htm [annie abrahams]
- L I P S T I C K, http://www.multimania.com/lipstick []
- simulacro.net/0, http://www.simulacro.net/0 []
- ZOO, Under Construction, http://www.multimania.com/zooooh [new zoo animals Zoo party ZOO art animal factory underconstruction]
- Tiia Johannson “net.projects”, http://ArtUN.ee/~tiia/netproject [Tiia Johannson]
- mo[ve.men]tion, http://www.wollongong.starway.net.au/~mezandwalt []
- — Multiface — frederic fenollabbate, http://www.multiface.net [De l’art, du sexe, de la realit? virtuelle, de l’exp?rience primale, du VRML, toutes les formes, de la vanite… Frederic Fenollabbate : contemporary art, sex, virtual relaity, primal experience, abstract game, VRML, polyhedron]
- .. . . : ::: :::: [ verybusy.org // center for hardwired arts ] ::::::::::: { 2000 } :: … . . , http://www.verybusy.org [VERYBUSY.org :::: CENTER FOR HARDWIRED ARTS / AUTONOMER MEDIENKUNST SERVER *** / autonomous plattform for netart/new/media art with exhibition calendar, search database, mediatheoretic and artistic workspace, non commercial context provider]
- ***********, http://www.helper.to/~snoopy []
- d~r~eAm7~, http://www.dream7.com []
- dragon_fly starChart maison de la laudanum, http://laudanum.net [a discerning collection of sound art, virtual worlds and musings on electronismo]
- A POLYPHONIC CHRONICLE / EEN POLYFONE KRONIEK, http://www.michaelmedia.org [A site about netart, soundart, artistbooks and other artprojects]
- 430notfound, http://www.430notfound.de []
- FF00FF remixes, http://www.xs4all.nl/~real/FF00FF [famous net.art/sound pieces remixed]
- o%$?utobrowser, http://www.dividebyzero.org []
- f0rwardpunk, http://www.hgb-leipzig.de/~francis/f0rwardpunk/1.htm [f0rwardpunk documentation by francis]
- http://www.xs4all.nl/~leegte, http://www.xs4all.nl/~leegte [Net-installations Jan Robert Leegte]
- *MOUCHETTE*, http://mouchette.org []
- smaerd ten, http://www.salty.org []
- moira cursor, http://www.homepage.lt/strelyte.html [moira cursor]
- ONE38.ORG: Kickin It Old School, http://www.one38.org []
- 028.0ÉrgÏ, http://www.d2b.org []
- fakiren, http://www.fakiren.nu [!– (c)fakiren 1999 —]
- http://www.kalx.com, http://www.kalx.com []
- o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o, http://www.o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o.org/ []
- ?1995-1999 HELL.COM*, http://www.hell.com/ []
- http://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG, http://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG []
- | 0 f 0 0 0 3 | u n e v e n t f u l + + v e r s ! o n |, http://www.m9ndfukc.org []
- CYBORDELICS, http://www.thing.de/cybordelics/ []
- conceptArt, http://www.o-o.lt/arturas [By Arturas Rotomskis. PustonisCafe try to accumulate perception of art, science (recent, diversity, …]
- D I S K D E F R A G M E N T E R , http://www.o-o.lt/mi_ga [D I S K D E F R A G M E N T E R — for your hard]
- Roko Dovydeno “Jojimo mokykla”, http://members.spree.com/sip/rctrl/index.html [Aplication form for the school of horse riders]
- groundcontrol, http://www.metamute.com/groundcontrol/ [We take off into the cosmos, ready for anything; we think of ourselves as the kings of Holy Contact…*]
- re-lab at http://www.re-lab.net/ [re-lab is an electronic art and media center in Riga, Latvia. projects range from new media festivals to internet broadcasting]
- chatlog, http://king.dom.de/chat/logs/index.phtml [how many lines? (go here to create some)]
- repossessed/outer wordage, http://www.merlin.com.au/eyespace/rep/ [::R.E.P.ossessed+ : + : + +]
- FORM, http://www.c3.hu/hyper3/form/ [FORM ART COMPETITION]
- FORM ART COMPETITION, http://remote.aec.at/form/competition.html? [FIRST INTERNATIONAL FORM ART COMPETITION]
- !R UZ, http://ir.uz.x-i.net [author Peteris Kimelis]
- Mirages*Poem*Navigator, http://www.stedelijk.nl/capricorn/mirage/start.html [When I first heard the sound of this Chinese poem, it made my skin shiver.]
- thing.net communications, LLC, http://www.thing.net [We are still squeezing reality out of Unreal]
- Urban Renewal Laboratory: Multifrisco, http://www.exo.net/url/map.html [Author Jacques Servin]
- Imaginative Reading V, 1997, http://www.otheredge.com.au/prj/imaginative/index.html [Owner Robin Petterd, Diane Caney]
- Jaka Zeleznikar, http://www.kiss.uni-lj.si/~k4ff0047/index.html [INTERAKTIVALIJA / INTERACTIVALIA]
- intim@ virtual base / creative intimate lab : free your mind and the rest will follow, http://www2.arnes.si/~ljintima2/ [Author Igor Stromajer]
- Lekso’s Codebox, http://www.codebox.com/ [Ancient codes meet the virtual world. An interactive art website.]
- etant humain ________ d’ Annie Abrahams, http://www.bram.org [The possibilities and the limitations of communication and contact on the net? a project by annie abrahams, lonelyness, identity, wishes, reassuring]
- Tina LaPorta: ***)))_TRACES_(((***, http://wintermute.aec.at/traces/ [A web-based installation exploring concepts of presence and absence within a digital context]
- ::::::::::the adventures of i::::::::::::::, http://student.uq.edu.au/~s271502/iwb/intro.html [poetry that can not be published in the traditional print media, poetry that moves in time and space, poetry that requires new ways of reading, poetry that allows interaction, poetry that is digital, aural, visual, animated, and exciting.]
- stanza (Steve Tanza), http://www.sublime.net/stanza [stanza art gallery]
- EASYLIFE, http://www.easylife.org/ [BBBBBB .;;;;. . . . ;;;;;;;BBBBBBBBBBB
author Alexey Shulgin] - ART.TELEPORTACIA first real net art gallery , http://art.teleportacia.org/art-ns4.html [Art.Teleportacia first real net art gallery / ‘??’?? ??3*2???? “?????? 3?*?’2″2 ?3??33*’?]
- Own, Be Owned Or Remain Invisible., http://www.irational.org/_readme.html [by Heath Bunting (UK)irational.org, isabel rocamora trina mould, rachel baker, graham hogg, johanna nichols, carey young, keiko suzuki, cherie matrix, lucianna hail, marc garrett ruth catlow, marta lwen, lise fransen, julian lwen, michael micz flor, bridewell theatre, karen antonelli, marcus valentine, matt pidgeon, richard gill, heath bunting, cornelia solfrank, daniel andujar, zina kaye, cctv, cctvs, cern, compete cybercafe, daniel, disinformation, refresh, info, interact internal, junk, london, pain, pleasur, rachel, routeless, sic, skint skip, spam, spamming, stats, tags, tm, tools, v.realty, velocity, x IRATIONAL.ORG, ISABEL ROCAMORA TRINA MOULD, RACHEL BAKER, GRAHAM HOGG, JOHANNA NICHOLS, CAREY YOUNG, KEIKO SUZUKI, CHERIE MATRIX, LUCIANNA HAIL, MARC GARRETT RUTH CATLOW, MARTA LWEN, LISE FRANSEN, JULIAN LWEN, MICHAEL MICZ FLOR, BRIDEWELL THEATRE, KAREN ANTONELLI, MARCUS VALENTINE, MATT PIDGEON, RICHARD GILL, HEATH BUNTING, CORNELIA SOLFRANK, DANIEL ANDUJAR, ZINA KAYE, CCTV, CCTVS, CERN, COMPETE CYBERCAFE, DANIEL, SINFORMATION, REFRESH, INFO, INTERACT INTERNAL, JUNK, LONDON, PAIN, PLEASUR, RACHEL, ROUTELESS, SIC, SKINT SKIP, SPAM, SPAMMING, STATS, TAGS, TM, TOOLS, V.REALTY, VELOCITY, X]
- olia lialina moved, http://www.design.ru/olialia/ [WIIL-N-TESTAMENT by olia lialina]
- Re: The Virtual Affair, http://members.tripod.com/~repoem/ [by Reiner Strasser]
- bla-bla, http://www.Desk.nl/~you/bla-bla/ [Visit nice bla-bla sites!]
- Refresh Art Project, http://www.cs.msu.su/wwwart/refresh.htm [Refresh Art Project / A Multi-Nodal Web-Surf-Create-Session for an Unspecified Number of Players !– created: 30.09.1996 5:47:41 PM by Alexei SHULGIN alexei@easylife.org / Updated: 14.03.1997 by Jluc FAUBERT jlf@noname.fr —]
- [ – – – – ], http://www.absurd.org/ [this is [^(2)bs?rd]]
- PRISS REMOVAL MACHINE, http://www.priss.org/0000/index.shtml [an experimental art project]
- %20Location, http://www.jodi.org/ [==============================|========================|========]
- LITTLE WINDOW, http://artnetweb.com/iola/journal/window/index.html [LITTLE WINDOW: A view between Thoreau and Foucault — This document created by Robbin Murphy on 8 August1997, murph@artnetweb.com —]
- RHIZOME–splash art by Robbin Murphy, http://www.rhizome.org/splash/murphy_splash/
- the flowery empire, http://www.binemai.com/ [Welcome to the flowery empire. Unfolded inside alone it will rise and fall with the life of binemai]
- REALIZATION IS THE MEANING, http://members.tripod.com/~poembynari [By Ted Warnell visual poetry from the cyberstream]
- photoGRAPHICS index, http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/4686/index.html [By Ted Warnell photography and graphic works]
- /warnell/ ADVEXP: visual literary theory practice, http://members.xoom.com/warnell/advexp.htm [By Ted Warnell /warnell/ ADVEXP: visual literary theory practice //980922:0505a]
- Teleporting an Unknown State, http://www.kibla.org/ekac/ [By Eduardo Kac]
- Dimos Dimitriou / Athens, http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/addfield/ [By Dimos Dimitriou / Athens]
- Welcome to MEET Factory!, http://www.meetfactory.com/page1.html [vrml site]
R a d i o
- spamradio, http://spamradio.com/ [Turns junk email into streaming audio broadcast]
- Acoustic Space, http://xchange.re-lab.net [Acoustic Space – Xchange net audio network for alternative internet broadcasters]
- l ‘ a u d i b l e | laudible , http://laudanum.net/ldbl [the l’audible real audio datasample of sound]
- ———- basic internet radio ————, http://www.basic.ch []
- Station Rose Webcasting, http://www.stationrose.com []
- Klubradio – Loveparade Live Club Streams, http://www.klubradio.de/ []
- convex tv., http://www.art-bag.net/convextv/ []
- >ORE.net, http://www.pit.ktu.lt/ore [Tavo gidas po alternatyvines muzikos ir kulturos pasaulius]
- Radio Internationale Stadt, http://orang.orang.de/ [Radio International City (Radio Internationale Stadt – RIS) is a RealAudio server that provides the opportunity to publish audiofiles to the interested audiance in the internet.]
- net.radio OZOne, http://ozone.re-lab.net/ [net.radio ozone transmits every tuesday night 21.00 frm re-lab, riga, latvia. range – alternativ music, dj’s, interviews, radio experiments, art projects, production]
- GoGaGa Already! Freeform Eclectic Radio Station, http://www.gogaga.com/ [GoGaGa Brand Radio is the Internet’s first (and most) freeform, eclectic music and entertainment radio station.]
- Pseudo 6.0, http://pseudo.com/ [Pseudo home]
- CCS: Home., http://www.irational.org/ccs/ [CCS hot streaming audio]
- r a d i o q u a l i a, http://www.radioqualia.va.com.au/ [live zones]
V a r i o u s
- ECHO porntal, http://echo.fluxus.lt []
- ART Susanne H?ppner – a visual poetry about the irony of the objects, http://geocities.com/soho/Study/7583 [ART Susanne H?ppner is a visual poetry about the irony of the objects represented on chairs, shoes and disks, Barcelna, Spain – ART Susanne H?ppner es una poes?a visual sobre la iron?a de los objetos representada sobre sillas, zapatos y discos, Barcelona, Spain – ART Susanne H?ppner ist eine visuelle Poesie ?ber die Ironie der Objekte dargestellt an St?hlen, Schuhen und Schallplatten, Barcelona, Spain.]
- woefwoef, http://www.woefwoef.nl []
- Arte.Red, http://www.elpais.es/especiales/2001/arte/portada.htm [An hypertextual history of net.art* through years* projects and artists. EL PAIS DIGITAL. In Spanish]
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