Steven Gutierrez MFA

Syllabus | Assignments | Links

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Course Description | Class Schedule | Supplies | Evaluation | Showing up | Disability Policy

Department: Fine Arts
Course # and Title: AT 330 & IM 330 Web Design and Interactive Art
Class Time: M,W, & F 1145-1250pm

Instructor:  Steven Gutierrez MFA
Office hours: M & W 2:00-3:00pm, T & R 4:00-5:30pm
Email address:

Course Description:
This course will focus on Web Design and Interactive art within the realm of the World Wide Web. The course will explore the Internet as a medium for art and for delivering information while utilizing the artistic possibilities of HTML, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Flash.As a group we will explore the Internet as a medium for art while utilizing the artistic possibilities of HTML, DreamweaverPhotoshop, and Flash.News:
Dreamweaver manual and Flash manual are up and will be updated continuosly.

Class Schedule

Note: This is a general schedule and it is subject to change. I’ll keep you posted.

•Week 1 (8/22)
Part 1:
Introduction to the class, the Lab, and to each other.
* Homework (HW):
Purchase the required book: New Media Art, Tribe, Mark / Jana, Reena ISBN 3-8228-3041-0
[If ordered as a group, you can get free shipping].
Fill out survey

Part 2:
Photoshop primer, Discuss Assignment 1 -“Identity Remix” and related artists.
*HW: Bring a portrait and other related images to manipulate at the next class, and bring your idea to next class.
Lab: Manipulate self

•Week 2 (8/29)
Part 1: 
The structure of the Internet
Introduction to HTML basics*
Making images web-ready*
 and computer graphics review (resolution, pixels, size, etc.)
Scanner and more Photoshop tips
HW: Begin optimizing your images (poor image size will reduce your grade)
Part 2:
Introduction to Dreamweaver* interface and capabilities.
Site Control is IMPORTANT.
* HW:
1) Read Jon Ippolito’s 10 Myths of Internet Art. We will discuss it on 9/9.
2) View: LonelyGirl15 archive and
HW: Set up your SITE with organized folders
Lab time:
Work on adding more images for the assignment

•Week 3 (9/5)
Part 1:
No Class
Part 2:
 Discuss Ippolito article and LonelyGirl15
Introduction to the Dreamweaver* continued interface and capabilities.
Tables and Layout in Dreamweaver
Tree chart for websites.
Site Control is IMPORTANT.
*HW: Layout website on 8×11 sheet of paper…use Photoshop, Illustrator or other digital form.
More HW: Read pages: 66
Lab time:


•Week 4 (9/12)
Part 1Photoshop for web design.  Discuss pg 66.
Part 2: Dreamweaver and Links (anchor tags, pdfs, doc, etc.) and saving html pages.
HW: Read pages: 60, 40
Lab time: Finalize assignment 1 with your links and layout.

•Week 5 (9/19)
Part 1: Site Control and Site Basics in Dreamweaver. Uploading websites to the server.
Part 2: Critique assignment 1.
*HW: Begin Assignment #2: Tactile Media (with Flash animation)
More HW: Read pages: 42,48,56
OPTIONAL HW: Good Reading for inspiration: Interventionist Essay

Lab time: Finish critique of assignment 1.

•Week 6 (9/26)
Part 1:
Discuss Readings.
Cover technical issues from critique 1.
HW: Prepare presentation for Assignment #2
Part 2a:
Creating a site from scratch Part 2 (slicing and/or using Photoshop).
If time: Dreamweaver: Rollover, Image maps; Forms; GIF animations
Part 2b:
Flash intro
HW: Storyboard Animation Asset & Read 68, 90
Lab time: 
Review storyboards and continue learning Flash.

•Week 7 (10/3)
Part 1: 
Flash Intro continued, Animation and Work on assignment 2.
End of the World, littlefoot, http://www.leoburnett.com
HW: Finish Rough Animation
Part 2: Animation Basics and Shape Tweening in Flash, Inserting bitmaps
HW: Read pg 28, 80
HW: Finish Final Animation
Lab time: Finish assignment 2: Flash part and general design, and Upload assignment #2 before Monday.

Just for Fun: Photoshop Slideshow Tutorial

•Week 8 (10/10)
Part 1:
 Symbols and Motion tweening in Flash, Flash Library
General Feedback for Instructor – Time to make sure you are getting what you want.
2. Written critique homework due by 10/19 at 5pm.
Written critique assignment due before next class…email it to your critique partners and me. You will each write a one-page critique on 3-4 student’s projects and email it to him/her and to me. I will assign you which student’s projects to crit.  Discuss how the project relates to the given assignment, other artists/artworks that seem related to it and your own personal opinion of it.
3. Start thinking about Final Project. Write a 1/2 to 1 page proposal of what you would like to do for your final project…include style thoughts, animation possibilities, and interactivity functions.  Email this to me by Sunday night (11pm) and we will talk about it on Monday.
Part 2: Symbols inside symbols.
HW: Read pg 30, 70
Lab time: Discuss readings, final assignment and then work

•Week 9 (10/17)
Part 1: Discuss final assignment and exhibition.
Dreamweaver layout example with tables
Web creation in Flash tutorial review at slower pace
Begin work on Final Assignment
HW: Bring object or photos if you would like to do 3D spin interactive piece…if not, you can use in class sequence
Dreamweaver manual and Flash manual are up and will be updated continuosly.

Part 2: Entertainment Website 
Web 3D (and 2.5D)
Do 3D spin interactive demo
Other concepts:
Final project 5-15% complete.
HW: Read pg 44, 82, Submit FINAL proposal by Thursday night!

LAB: Isadora/Flash Demo

•Week 10 (10/24)
Part 1:

ActionScripting in Game Development…game design is a subset of interactive entertainment.

Part 2: Flash text: See Text.fla for actionscript structure. Score (using variables, dynamic text type) Keycodes, Movie clip control/motion.
Final project 30-40% complete.
HW: Read pg 26,86

LAB: Work on Final Project

•Week 11 (10/31)
Part 1:
 The many applications of Interactive Media
Isadora, MAX/MSP and Jitter, & Physical Computing
Final project 60-70% complete.

Part 2: Integrating Sound
HW: Read pg 58, 54 Next week class is at 6:30pm

•Week 12 (11/7)
Part 1: Integrating Video plus video basics with Final Cut, etc.;
Exporting & Viewing your Flash.
HW: pg 62, 46

Part 2: Extra Lab time

Lab: Final Project 90% done…mandatory class.

•Week 13 (11/14)
Part 1: Final Project Critique
Part 2: Final Project Critique
Lab time: Fix and Test work.  LAB/HW: Integrate for presentation. (if applicable: location, projectors, etc.)

•Week 14 (11/21)
Part 1: Finish personal duty/assignments for Art Show
Part 2: NO CLASS-Happy Thanksgiving
Lab time: NO LAB-Happy Thanksgiving

•Week 15 (11/28)
Part 1: Interactive 3D Graphics, Interactive Media in Bio-Art, etc.
Part 2: 
Prepare for Final Art Show
Lab time: No class


*USB/Flash or External Drive (minimum 4 GB for this class-more if planning video work) 
(Unfortunately, if you homework is deleted/lost, or your final project is deleted, you would still need to recreate the work or receive an F…backing up is crucial and students have lost their work)

Required Texts
New Media ArtTribe, Mark / Jana, Reena ISBN 3-8228-3041-0 (English) [If ordered as a group, you can get free shipping]
CS4 books optional

Reading and Writing:

In addition to the required Art book, I will be giving you required readings related to multimedia art and ideas that you will be expected discuss in class. There will also be short writing assignments on relevant artists and artist lectures.


Some free and pay tutorials can be found at or at

OTHER inspirational books and periodicals:

The Language of New Media,(MIT Press) Lev Manovich
Snap to Grid, (MIT Press) Peter Lunenfeld
Electronic culture: technology and visual representation , Editor, Timothy Druckrey.
New Media in Late 20th-Century Art, (Thames & Hudson) Michael Rush
The Computer in the Visual Arts, Anne Morgan Spalter
Mute, “Culture and Politics After the Net”, available at newstands that carry art magazines.Some online content available from the link.
Leonardo, (MIT Press) is the leading international journal for readers interested in the application of contemporary science and technology to the arts and music. It has been around since 1968! It is available in the Fine Arts Library at the Wexner Center.


30%     Project Assignments
25%     Final Project
25%     Writing assignments, quizzes/tests, technical knowledge, Final Exam
20%     Participation in critiques and during regular classes

Extra Credit Assignments will be averaged into the appropriate category.

Attendance & Late Assignment Policy

Don’t miss class. Don’t arrive late or leave early. You are expected to come to class on time, ready to work and with all necessary supplies and materials.

Disability Policy

The disability statement that is printed in the Lake Erie College Catalog is applicable to this course.  It is the responsibility of the student to seek assistance at the college and to make his/her needs known to Dr. Spiesman, the Director of the Student Success Center (375-7426). The Student Success Center offers both peer and/or professional tutoring in all course/subject areas, as well as assistance in improving personal academic performance. The instructor will assist with accommodations when reasonable and necessary.


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