Telecommunications for Artists

SCG5501A | 12:00 – 1:50PM

Instructor: Christiane Paul
E-mail: Christiane_Paul@WHITNEY.ORG

Telecommunications for Artists I

This class will introduce students to possibilities for making artworks that utilize computer networks and other forms of interactive multimedia and telecommunications technologies. The course will outline the history of tele- and network communications and basic Internet technologies as well as forms and concepts of interactivity. We will examine aesthetic and technological possibilities for art works in the networked environment of the Internet. Through a series of projects, and discussions and readings, students will learn to work with these technologies, and to articulate their interests and concerns as artists working with them.Attendance will be recorded for each class. Grades will be based on attendance, participation, and completed projects. Unexcused absences, lateness, and missed assignments will negatively affect students’ grades.The following syllabus is subject to change. Field trips and guest speakers may be added.

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