
Chat archive from Redirect on ivist.com
Please note: This is a good example of MTAA’ s theory of Non-Spectaor Performance Art (NSPA). In other words, not only did “you had to be there” but the performance may only perceivable via participation. This archive is intended only for deep scholarly historical insight into the practice of NSPA

MTAA2: mriver
MTAA2: is the site up?
MTAA: think i got it
MTAA2: yer vid looks good
MTAA2: real good
MTAA: ready to roll…and now for a smoke…
MTAA2: ok, i’m getting the redirect working now
MTAA2: hows our beer drinking picture looking?
MTAA: cool!
MTAA: i’ll send an email saying we are live
MTAA: wow. net art is DULL…
MTAA: any audio?
MTAA: still in tim?
MTAA2: ok
MTAA2: it’s up
MTAA2: gotta get the auto pop up working though, check it out
MTAA: any audio from me ?
MTAA2: no audio
MTAA: i got netscape open and its trying…cool
MTAA2: ok, looks like the auto pop up is working
MTAA: try http://tinjail.com/remix
MTAA2: are you checking it out?
MTAA2: got it
MTAA2: what were those other urls people emailed you?
MTAA2: wooo nelly
MTAA: and http://artists.banff.org/sarawut
MTAA: the site looks good, love the hampsters!
MTAA: I’m soooo lonely
MTAA2: where the hell is everyone? we got no friends!
MTAA: I can not belive that all of this is working but no one is here…we suck
MTAA: hey tim, just to check..what page do you have in now?
MTAA2: yer tinjail.com/remix and some other one
MTAA2: Secret lives
MTAA: hey just got an email…
“hello mriver, where are you in iVisit?
I would like to see you use http://www.haikoo.com best Michelle Kasprzak”
MTAA2: did you find her?
MTAA: hold on…trying, slow load
MTAA: i’m emailin’ her back
MTAA2: i put bad packet in the mix
MTAA2: dude, are you seeing the updates?
MTAA2: hello
MTAA2: hey M_H
MTAA2: howzit goin’?
MTAA: hey…I’m not grtting mh’s chat in my window…
MTAA: Hello, This is seedbed live and somewhat working
MTAA: how is it going t?
MTAA2: hi michell
MTAA: hey just got this
— “.pavu.com” <jean-philippe.halgand@pavu.com> wrote:
> which room on ivisit server please ?
> pavu.com
hey pavu, art loby..come find us. we are so sad and without you
MTAA2: go to artport @ whitney.org
MTAA: put in pavu.com!
MTAA2: ok, i will, whoops, got a 404
MTAA: opps
MTAA2: how are the updates coming through?
MTAA: I’m getting there…(whitney.org not com)..doh!
MTAA2: we’ll try to leave them up for a while now
MTAA: sorry about the chain smokin’
MTAA2: i’m starting to get bogged down…MTAA: the site is stuck on pavu
MTAA: hey did you see the new cam that got disconnected?
MTAA2: where’s pavu?
MTAA2: been very busy
MTAA2: over the holidays
MTAA2: howbout you?
MTAA: hey who ya cahtin to MK or pavu? I’m not getting it on my end
MTAA2: i think i’m maxing out my 44000 bytes!
MTAA: got another email,
put in: http://www.jaka.org/2002/
MTAA2: ok, i’ll fix!
MTAA: hey do you have another chat going on? who is here?
MTAA: just got the email about the bad link
MTAA2: did i fix it?
MTAA2: getting pavu audio now!
MTAA: i emailed back that you did 🙂
MTAA2: i think i’m about to crash
MTAA: don’t crash
MTAA2: had to shut down IE
MTAA: still live?
MTAA2: yes
MTAA2: are we all smokers here?
MTAA: where is the pavu sound ?
MTAA2: is pavu.com on the remix? YES!
MTAA: GNou Foundation up
MTAA2: artport.whitney.org is the remix
MTAA: I just got the sound..wonderful
MTAA2: well, it’s ok, we break down the barrier!
MTAA: who is that on top of the remix? oh..it’s pet name’s site
MTAA2: i’m back, i crashed
MTAA: back as well…. where is michelle?
michelle kasprzak: bummer, I crashed
MTAA2: to much all at once
MTAA: Hello michelle…just got yer chat
michelle kasprzak: hello! too much too young
MTAA2: where are you michelle?
michelle kasprzak: Toronto, Canada
MTAA: wonderful
MTAA: Hello ca
michelle kasprzak: it treats me well
MTAA2: oh ho!
michelle kasprzak: your fans in Canada
MTAA: great vid
MTAA2: i’m going to try netscape this time
michelle kasprzak: thanks… I can’t see you!!
MTAA2: see if it works better
MTAA: what is up for your new year?
michelle kasprzak: tonight, usual new-year-deal party with friends
MTAA: thanks for the URLs
michelle kasprzak: 2002 will be chock o block full of art-makin’ and grant-writin’ for me
MTAA: did you see the site up?
michelle kasprzak: and you??
michelle kasprzak: yes I did!! thanks
MTAA: about the same …and dealin’ with this
michelle kasprzak: and I msgd. Joanna about Haikoo, she was pleasantly surprised
MTAA: wow…hello
pavu.com: hi
pavu.com: had to reboot sorry
MTAA: hello, thanks for stoppin in!
michelle kasprzak: pavu… LOL
pavu.com: you’re welcome ;-)))
michelle kasprzak: are you guys at this for much longer? or do you get to go home?
MTAA: I always wondered what you would look like
michelle kasprzak: now you know!
michelle kasprzak: sorta
MTAA: one more hour
michelle kasprzak: the cam lies a bit
MTAA: lol
michelle kasprzak: I’m not really that red
pavu.com: hahaaha
michelle kasprzak: in the face
MTAA: Really?
MTAA2: i gotta take pavu off, something he did is crashing my browser
MTAA: me as well
michelle kasprzak: cam colors are screwy
pavu.com: we are 3 you know
michelle kasprzak: put on mouchette
MTAA: Yes!
michelle kasprzak: muu muu
MTAA2: ok
pavu.com: and we do not all look alike ;-))
MTAA: so, snow in france and CA?
MTAA2: mouchette.org?
pavu.com: not yet
michelle kasprzak: hardly any snow here in toronto
pavu.com: rather fine weather
michelle kasprzak: we gave it all to buffalo
pavu.com: àhhahaha
MTAA: thanks
michelle kasprzak: merry xmas, bufflalo!
MTAA2: i went through buffalo
MTAA2: lots of snow
MTAA: what is that pavu?
michelle kasprzak: I’m surprised you got through
michelle kasprzak: it sounded rough
MTAA2: on the train
michelle kasprzak: pavu is a neat guy from what I know
pavu.com: which one ?
michelle kasprzak: which is very little
MTAA2: slow
michelle kasprzak: and all lies, probably
pavu.com: the new splash or he pity ? or me myself i ?
MTAA2: mouchette is up now
MTAA: how many in pavu?
pavu.com: 3
michelle kasprzak: I don’t know
michelle kasprzak: … put up an X10 ad… LOL
pavu.com: 3 paul clement and i
MTAA2: got a url?
pavu.com: altogether this makes 100
michelle kasprzak: http://ads.x10.com/yahoo/yahoo1_grun.htm
pavu.com: 25+35+40
MTAA: Alright, now how a bit of cam performance…every one point cam outside for a sec
michelle kasprzak: ha ha
MTAA2: very good
MTAA: Brooklyn
pavu.com: ok
MTAA: twilight
MTAA: wow, ca is very blue
michelle kasprzak: storm’s a-comin’
MTAA2: the x10 ad is pretty cool
michelle kasprzak: it’s funny
pavu.com: ah
MTAA: cool shot
MTAA2: i’m just about to get my coffee
michelle kasprzak: ah, pavu!
pavu.com: hi michelle!
MTAA2: where did he go?
michelle kasprzak: how are you!!
MTAA: how is the site going twhid
pavu.com: very fine thx 🙂
pavu.com: what about you ?
pavu.com: i see mouchette
MTAA2: got mouchette and an x10 ad up
MTAA: http://tinjail.com/remix
michelle kasprzak: put in your special request to the net.art djz
michelle kasprzak: I am good
michelle kasprzak: struggling with silly cam
MTAA2: serving up the hot sites for the cybernauts
MTAA: lol
pavu.com: ;-))
pavu.com: like this site
pavu.com: saw stuff from friend arcangel
michelle kasprzak: oh yes
michelle kasprzak: how does it work in NS, gentlemen?
pavu.com: can not tell i’m with msie right now
pavu.com: but i guess so
MTAA: looks fine
MTAA2: it seems to work ok
MTAA: what’s up next tim?
MTAA2: what are some good urls?
MTAA: request ?
MTAA: jimpunk
pavu.com: haha fine friend
MTAA2: what’s the url again?
MTAA2: for jimpunk?
MTAA: jimpunk.com?
michelle kasprzak: http://www.fiftyfifty.org/snowblossom/thekiss.html
pavu.com: yep
MTAA: opps…my ashtray runith-over
MTAA2: hey, 404 on the last one
pavu.com: lol
michelle kasprzak: one of my all time faves: http://www.overlobe.com/
pavu.com: i check
pavu.com: never heard of
michelle kasprzak: oh no, on the fiftyfifty one?
MTAA2: yes
MTAA2: fiftyfifty
MTAA2: i replaced it with the domain, lets see…
michelle kasprzak: oops …
michelle kasprzak: try this http://www.fiftyfifty.org/snowblossom/ban-chu.html
michelle kasprzak: oh that’s nice with the gopher
pavu.com: Objeto no encontrado
MTAA: what happens if you put the artport site in the artport?
pavu.com: that would be fun
MTAA2: like a mirror… freaky
michelle kasprzak: oh no… what has happened to hampsterdance.com? where are the dancing hampsters???
MTAA2: snowblossom is 404
pavu.com: eaten by the ugly ogre
MTAA: screen grab twhid !
michelle kasprzak: mmmm overlobe
MTAA2: i put in overlobe
pavu.com: try this : http://www.pavu.com/shower/m9ndfukc-ed.htm
MTAA2: aight
MTAA: smile everyone
pavu.com: before ang lee comes to it
michelle kasprzak: http://www.hampsterdance2.com/hampsterdance2.html
pavu.com: http://www.pavu.com/shower/day01.htm
MTAA2: is this boring, or fun?
MTAA: fast on the keys twhid
MTAA: can’t tell
MTAA2: i made the refresh longer
MTAA2: 20 seconds now
MTAA: I’d say for net art, it is about par
MTAA: 1/2 hour to go
MTAA2: perhaps we can sell michelle her TIME!® while she’s here?
MTAA: yes
michelle kasprzak: ??
michelle kasprzak: now I am blue
michelle kasprzak: red, blue
michelle kasprzak: yeesh
michelle kasprzak: fickle cam
MTAA2: as long as yer not green, you should be ok!
MTAA: Would you like to buy a picture of yourself at the moment you buy the picture?
MTAA: It’s free for you today
michelle kasprzak: sure
michelle kasprzak: sounds like a steal
MTAA: then all you have to say is…
MTAA: just 4 easy words
MTAA2: oh, i have pavu back
michelle kasprzak: it’s there! underneath my nose
pavu.com: ahha
MTAA2: sorry pavu, i had to take your urls down
michelle kasprzak: ah ha
MTAA2: they were crashing my browser
MTAA: sure
pavu.com: ahaha
MTAA2: REALLY, they were
MTAA2: don’t know why
MTAA2: some alert box kept popping up
pavu.com: dunno either
MTAA2: i’m on a mac, ya know how they are
pavu.com: sudden unexpected surprises
pavu.com: on a mac too
pavu.com: lol
MTAA: so much for that theory
pavu.com: and on pc
MTAA2: hey, pavu is on a mac
MTAA2: good for you!
pavu.com: ;-))
michelle kasprzak: we are all bi
pavu.com: lol
MTAA: bi?
MTAA2: i too am cross platform
michelle kasprzak: mac and pc. so bi!
MTAA: incomming
michelle kasprzak: oh no!
pavu.com: haha
michelle kasprzak: good luck
MTAA2: and going over to osX!!!
pavu.com: not yet
MTAA2: we take it any way we can get it
MTAA: hello sand
SAND777777: howdy!
SAND777777: happy fookin’ new year! <<<almost>>>
michelle kasprzak: so what happens now… I have “I want my time” under my nose
MTAA: hey, got a URL for us sand?
michelle kasprzak: here is a fun one
MTAA: hopefully twhid got the screen shot
michelle kasprzak: http://www.scotoma.org/
SAND777777: nay.. just popping in to say ‘ello…
MTAA2: i will in a sec
MTAA: hello sand , big plans for tonight?
MTAA2: we have the all time classic net art in the mix now
MTAA2: jodi.org
pavu.com: http://www.dream7.com
SAND777777: not this year… I work in retail HeLL, so today is like my 5th day off since Thanksgiving… sleep is my festivities for tonight! he he he…
MTAA: tonight, well when i wake up to 2002. I am going to try once again to quit smoking
pavu.com: had a workshop with them a fortnite ago
MTAA2: hey pavu, do you know jimpunk?
pavu.com: yes
pavu.com: aha?
pavu.com: but clement who lives in paris knows him better
MTAA2: where do you live pavu?
SAND777777: I’m glad I never started the cig thing…
michelle kasprzak: pavu is everywhere
MTAA: hard to quit but tonight is the night…pavu is everywhere
MTAA2: where does his biomass reside?
SAND777777: west of you by about a 40 min sparrow flight…
pavu.com: ahha
pavu.com: http://www.pavu.com/RedSeeCrossRoute/
pavu.com: try this
pavu.com: by the way you’re welcome in it
pavu.com: bordeaux paris world
pavu.com: everywhere
SAND777777: hmm.. northt, south, east, west…. towards the sunset…
pavu.com: haha
MTAA2: hehe
pavu.com: http://www.pavu.com/indexusbonanza.html
MTAA2: check this, our attempt at being international
pavu.com: ah!
SAND777777: now, stand up, spin in a circle 3 times and point… you got a 25% chance of pointing at me now…
MTAA2: i’m scared of urls pavu!!
SAND777777: are you talkin’ with Pavu from the famous international racing forum?
MTAA2: yes
MTAA2: you may connect to him, click on the arrow on my window then click connect to..
MTAA: he ran away
MTAA2: http://www.tinjail.com/99steps/index.html
SAND777777: ahhhh
MTAA2: en francais
MTAA2: Les 99 étapes de M.River & T.Whid Art Associates pour que l’Art Contemporain Gagne Votre Chambre.
pavu.com: was having a pi
MTAA2: Même dans cette chambre qui ignore les lois de la ville au-dehors, on peut se sentir perdu dans la foule.
MTAA: I always wondered how that translation was
pavu.com: great
pavu.com: i want room 61
MTAA: hard to know when you subcontract
pavu.com: haha
pavu.com: michelle you’re sand 77 ?
michelle kasprzak: no..
michelle kasprzak: I am in the lobby
pavu.com: hahaha
pavu.com: good answer
michelle kasprzak: scotoma.org
MTAA: What is going on for you next year Michelle?
michelle kasprzak: to exercise your eyeballs
michelle kasprzak: art-makin’
MTAA2: i’m trying one of pavu’s urls
MTAA2: see if it plays nice
pavu.com: harwood’s ?
MTAA: good , it’s hard to do
michelle kasprzak: I was just accepted to a show/residency on database art
michelle kasprzak: yes, harwood
pavu.com: good stuff
michelle kasprzak: so that will keep me busy
MTAA: very
michelle kasprzak: I’ll send you a link when it’s all done
michelle kasprzak: it’ll be online
michelle kasprzak: will you guys do something for y01?
MTAA2: cool
MTAA2: where is the residency? england/
michelle kasprzak: you too, pavu
michelle kasprzak: oh no, just in humble toronto
MTAA: good. we want to go up there again but I don’t know when
michelle kasprzak: it just means workshop access/classes
pavu.com: in 02?
pavu.com: tomorrow ?
michelle kasprzak: yes!
MTAA2: sure
michelle kasprzak: so get to work!
pavu.com: i teach in school
MTAA: couple hours
MTAA2: i can’t see why not
MTAA2: haha
michelle kasprzak: exactly
michelle kasprzak: !
MTAA2: we’re at work
MTAA2: 1
MTAA2: !!!
michelle kasprzak: oh!
MTAA2: some dare call it work
MTAA2: we call it non-spectator performance art!
MTAA: Only good if one is doing it
pavu.com: hahaha so what’s next for tomrrow ?
pavu.com: a return plane ticket to toronto ?
MTAA2: forget the avant-garde! <– pavu
pavu.com: lol
MTAA2: gET readY for the en-Garde!
michelle kasprzak: ha
MTAA: going for a glass of water be right back…enjoy the view of the studio for a sec
michelle kasprzak: pavu, I will email you with info
pavu.com: thanks michelle
michelle kasprzak: mtaa already knows
michelle kasprzak: I see nothing!
michelle kasprzak: pavu@pavu?
michelle kasprzak: the best?
pavu.com: pavu@pavu.com is the general email
michelle kasprzak: ‘k
pavu.com: the 3 of us get it
MTAA2: yer studio looks like a mess mriver
michelle kasprzak: perfect
pavu.com: hahaha
pavu.com: coming with the hooverdam
MTAA: One can not do work in a blank space
michelle kasprzak: clean studio = boring art
MTAA: or blank
michelle kasprzak: or perfect art
MTAA2: ok, i guess it’s ok
MTAA: Thanks for the back up on that
michelle kasprzak: pavu, how will you celebrate new year
MTAA: hey we are almost done
michelle kasprzak: or is it already there?
MTAA2: done with what?
MTAA2: haha
MTAA: how should we end this?
MTAA2: don’t know
michelle kasprzak: with a drum roll
MTAA: hello eryan
MTAA: new window
MTAA2: some fireworks or something?
MTAA: well he’s gone already
michelle kasprzak: sparklers
MTAA2: do we have any handy?
MTAA: improvise
MTAA2: where is the bonanza theme coming from?
MTAA2: from scotoma?
michelle kasprzak: lol
michelle kasprzak: I am on the phone with Michael Alstad
michelle kasprzak: and all I can hear is Bonanza
michelle kasprzak: LOL
MTAA: say hello for us
MTAA2: who is michael alstad?
pavu.com: http://www.pavu.com/RedSeeCrossRoute/
pavu.com: michelle you’re in ;-)))
MTAA2: aight
michelle kasprzak: Michael Alstad = curator@year01.com
michelle kasprzak: Yay! thanks Pavu!
pavu.com: nice gentleman
MTAA2: oh, cool
pavu.com: bonanza theme comes from the pavu page
MTAA: love 01
MTAA2: i understand that now
michelle kasprzak: 01!!
michelle kasprzak: we love MTAA
MTAA2: i’ve changed it to the redseecrossroute
MTAA2: reload time
pavu.com: record yourself tim!
RYAN JUST CHILD: how you all felling
MTAA: hello ryan
MTAA: what’s up
MTAA2: no mic!!
MTAA2: on this newer g4 i got
MTAA: any sound from my end?
RYAN JUST CHILD: nothing just i came on to have a talk cos im bored
MTAA2: curses!
MTAA: Someone just say ahhh?
MTAA: hey it 5:00 Twhid
MTAA2: we love those who love us and those who don’t as well, we are full of love and happy thoughts and shit like that 😉
MTAA2: i got 5 min still
MTAA2: yer fast
MTAA: good, final words Michelle?
michelle kasprzak: long live MT enterprises!
pavu.com: yes!!!
MTAA2: and pavu!
michelle kasprzak: hooray!
MTAA2: and 01
MTAA: your right twhid
pavu.com: hip hip!!
michelle kasprzak: and pavu! and badpacket!
MTAA2: and all the good citizens making art online
pavu.com: :-)))
pavu.com: hooray!!!
michelle kasprzak: whee
MTAA: yahooooo (not the site)
MTAA2: we are all very lovely indeed
MTAA2: thanks for showing up everyone!
pavu.com: sure
MTAA: screen shot
michelle kasprzak: thanks for having me!
pavu.com: yep and thx for the invitation
MTAA2: we should do it again sometime
MTAA2: maybe pavu can do a remix?
michelle kasprzak: Ya, ivisit is fun, we should meet again
MTAA: next year?
MTAA2: live updates
michelle kasprzak: only fun when you are meeting someone
MTAA: yes
MTAA2: ivisit, youvisit, weallvisit
pavu.com: 😉
pavu.com: yes we can set up a remix
pavu.com: still on the phone michelle ?
michelle kasprzak: bonanzaaaaa
pavu.com: hahah
michelle kasprzak: off the phone now
michelle kasprzak: new years plans are coming together
MTAA2: i think i’m going to sign off
michelle kasprzak: oki
MTAA: remix of the remix. we will be making some sort of site out of all this in Jan. We will let ya know when it is up
MTAA2: i need to put the acconci piece back to it’s original state
michelle kasprzak: this was fun! thanks, and congratulations!
MTAA2: thank you for participating in the non-spectator performance!
michelle kasprzak: 🙂
MTAA: Thanks again. See ya all online. Have a good new year
pavu.com: hhaahah that was nice
michelle kasprzak: happy new year!
< back to home

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