Thames & Hudson Publishers
These links all appear in Digital Art by Christiane Paul
Rebecca Allen Emergence
Mark Amerika Markamerica; Grammatron; Filmtext
Cory Arcangel Cory Arcangel
Art+Com Art+Com
Artbase Artbase online archive of new media art curated by Rhizome
ASCII Art Ensemble ASCII Art Ensemble
Asymptote Asymptote
David Blair WAXWEB
Christian-A. Bohn Liquid Views
Natalie Bookchin Natalie Bookchin; Intruder; Metapet
Lisa Brenneis Desktop Theater
James Buckhouse Tap
Heath Bunting Heath Bunting; Read Me
Bureau of Inverse Technologies Bureau of Inverse Technology
Nancy Burson Nancy Burson
John Canny PRoP Personal Roving Presence
Adam Chapman Impermanence Agent
Janet Cohen The Unreliable Archivist
Brody Condon Velvet-Strike
Vuk Cosic Vuk Cosic
Luc Courchesne Luc Courchesne
LiseAnne Couture Asymptote
Critical Art Ensemble Critical Art Ensemble
Nick Crowe Nick Crowe
Walter van der Cruijsen Walter van der Cruijsen
Charles Csuri Charles Csuri
Peter D’Agostino Newtechlab
Charlotte Davies immersence
Joshua Davis praystation
Tennessee RiceDixon Scrutiny in the Great Round
Judith Donath Judith Donath
Toni Dove Toni Dove
Electronic Café International Electronic Café
Electronic Disturbance Theater Electronic Disturbance Theater
Entropy8Zuper! Entropy8Zuper
Faces Faces
Fakeshop Fakeshop
Ken Feingold Ken Feingold
Monika Fleischmann Liquid Views
Keith Frank The Unreliable Archivist
Luka Frelih Luka Frelih
Benjamin Fry Benjamin Fry; Valence
Kit Galloway Kit Galloway
Jim Gasperini Scrutiny in the Great Round
Jesse Gilbert Adrift
Ken Goldberg Ken Goldberg
Jeff Gompertz Fakeshop
Scott Griesbach Scott Griesbach
Kazuhiko Hachiya Kazuhiko Hachiya
Emily Hartzell Alice sat here
Graham Harwood mongrelx; TextFM, Rehearsal of Memory, Uncomfortable Proximity
Joan Hemskeerk jodi;
My Boyfriend Came Back from the War (Wolfenstein version), SOD Untitled Game
Jochem Hendricks Jochem Hendricks
Lynn Hershman Lynn Hershman
Perry Hoberman Perry Hoberman
Dieter Huber Dieter Huber
Institute for Applied Autonomy Institute for Applied Autonomy; iSee
Jon Ippolito The Unreliable Archivist
Mervin Jarman Mongrelx
Adriene Jenik Desktop Theater
Natalie Jeremijenko One Tree
Lisa Jevbratt Lisa Jevbratt; 1:1
jodi jodi; My Boyfriend Came Back from the War (Wolfenstein version),SOD; Untitled Game
Eduardo Kac Eduardo Kac
John Klima John Klima
Knowbotic Research Knowbotic Research
Joan Leandre Velvet-Strike
George Legrady George Legrady Studio;
Golan Levin Flong
Olia Lialina Olia Lialina; My Boyfriend came back from the war/The Last Net Art Museum
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
John Maeda John Maeda studio
Steve Mann Steve Mann
Jennifer and Kevin McCoy mccoyspace
Alex McLean slab laboratories
Mongrel mongrelx
Brion Moss Impermanence Agent
Mouchette mouchette
Andreas Müller-Pohle equivalence
Antonio Muntadas The File Room
Prema Murthy fakeshop
Michael Naimark Michael Naimark
Mark Napier potatoland; Riot
Nettime Nettime
Robert Nideffer PROXY
Old Boys Network Old Boys Network
Josh On They Rule
Dirk Paesmans; My Boyfriend Came Back from the War (Wolfenstein version), SOD; Untitled Game
W. Bradford Paley TextArc
ParkBench ParkBench
Eric Paulos PRoP, Personal Roving Presence
Richard Pierre-Davis Mongrelx
Sherrie Rabinowitz ecafe
Michael Rees Michael Rees
Kenneth Rinaldo emergent systems
®Tmark ®Tmark
Anne-Marie Schleiner Velvet-Strike
Lillian Schwartz Lillian Schwartz
Jeffrey Shaw Jeffrey Shaw
Alexei Shulgin Alexei Shulgin
John F. Simon Jr Numeral Art Projects
Karl Sims Galapagos
David Small David Small
Scott Snibbe Scott Snibbe
Nina Sobell Alice sat here
Sommerer and Mignonneau Sommerer and Mignonneau
Stelarc Stelarc
Stahl Stenslie Stahl Stenslie
Storyspace Storyspace
Wolfgang Strauss Wolfgang Strauss; Liquid Views
Surveillance Camera Players Surveillance Camera Players
Thomson & Craighead Thomson & Craighead
Helen Thorington Adrift – Charles Lim, Tien Woon, Tay Hak Peng, Charles Moy, Melvin Phua, Tan Kok Yam
Camille Utterback Camille Utterback
Victoria Vesna vv. arts; Bodies, Inc.; n0time
Marek Walczak Marek Walczak; Adrift; Apartment
Adrian Ward Ade Ward home; Auto-Illustrator
Noah Wardrip-Fruin Impermanence Agent
Martin Wattenberg Martin Wattenberg; Apartment
Grahame Weinbren Grahame Weinbren
Duane Whitehurst Impermanence Agent
Maciej Wisniewski netomat™
Matsuko Yokoji mongrelx
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