En 1996 Mouchette.org apareció como una obra en apariencia de una joven adolescente de 13 años. El contenido de la página resulta engañosamente ingenuo, otras secciones son grotescas o sexualmente sugerentes. Muchas páginas incluyen elementos interactivos, entre …
Ugly Girls by Nichole Nicholson
No one is sure who the artist is behind mouchette.org, a net art piece that claims to have been crafted by a young girl who is about to turn 13. Dealing with issues of …
old boys linxx – mediated identities
estudios online sobre arte y mujer
Margot LovejoyA Double Monument. Domestic Violence Victims
Nancy Paterson, “The Stockmarket Skirt”
* Naomi Potter, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”
* Faith Wilding
* Shelley Jackson, “My Body. A Wunderkamme…
Meet the ugly girls : Courtney Love, Mouchette and Nichole Nicholson……
The internet is a beautiful place.
My stuff:
jenny holzer
imagine peace
marina abramovic institute
bunny collective
gourmet scum
project babe
London based:
borough belles …
On Digital Representation of Feminity- by MAWU-LIZA, Mouchette is on top of the list of role models!
Digital media accomplished gender confusion in a way never achieved before,…
via Mujer y Cultura Visual…
Artistas online |Arte y Políticas de Identidad
BALCELLS, Eugènia. Página Web oficial.
CUESTA, Salomé. Devenirvisible.
GARCÍA, Dora. La esfinge.
ORLAN. Página Web oficial.
ROSLER, Martha. Página Web oficial.
RUIDO, María. Página Web oficial…
Maid in Cyberspace 2001, Net.art show in Montreal
Les Htmelles 2001, exposition de net.art à Montreal
No one is sure who the artist is behind mouchette.org, a net art piece that claims to have been crafted by a young girl who is about to turn 13. Dealing with issues of suicide, inapropriate parental relationships, and …
CYBERFEMINISM – LINKS: female net artists
Mesto žensk – City of Women is an art festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia taking place between 4 and 13 October 2012. And I shall be presenting this work: Turkmenbashi, mon Amour
Video presentation of the festival (Mouchette is under the …
UNESCO is looking for initiatives promoting women’s role in Free and Open Source Software | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Thinking of proposing Mouchette but wondering if they will understand it as Free and Open Source Software ?…
Media Art Shows | | Public Art LabPublic Art Lab
Virtual Identities Exhibition, Gallery Tristesse in Berlin, August 2005
Virtual Identitities, feminist networks, riot grrls and cyberfeminists: the internet as a culture- and actionspace for the quest of the real …
Why Are There No Great Women Net Artists? (also archived in Turbulence)
Similarly, Mouchette.org poses as the personal website of a thirteen year old girl, designed to titillate the curiosities of pedophiles which were a rising moral panic in …
Why Are There No Great Women Net Artists?
Vague Histories of Female Contribution According to Video and Internet Art by Jennifer Chan
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Identity at El Engendro Digital.
Arte y Políticas de Identidad » Artistas online.…