Get your shit together
/x/ – Get your shit together /x/
When an unknown page made by a user gets commented on
the reality is only the mindless people will fall for it. Any person that can properly examine themselves wont fall for their tactics. I’m a professional marketer and some of the stuff that actually works is ridiculous. We often sit in our office and laugh and how blatantly ridiculous some of the stuff is. But there are even more people that don’t fall for it than do. It’s just the ones that do are easiest to manipulate,
>trust me
I want to really bad.
Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)01:51 UTC+1 No.14164353
you can only link to the groups until you sign upits impossible otherwise.
Trill !CdO9t5zPsA 02/12/14(Wed)01:55 UTC+1 No.14164383
It’s probably nonsense anyhow
Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)01:56 UTC+1 No.14164401
it mostly is but you can find some tripped out pictures and calming music
Trill !CdO9t5zPsA 02/12/14(Wed)01:59 UTC+1 No.14164421
Lol Mind control music?
Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)02:01 UTC+1 No.14164431
some might call it that, i just discovered the website a few months ago. the design is offputting but if you reach you can see Truth.
See truth?Also, the fuck is this?
What. The. Fuck?
Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)02:13 UTC+1 No.14164504
[spoiler]view the source of the jode website[/spoiler]
Oh my
Trill !CdO9t5zPsA 02/12/14(Wed)02:27 UTC+1 No.14164567
Mobile client. Post it.
Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)02:42 UTC+1 No.14164634
I used minimal zoom (25%), so I didn’t have to take too many screenshotsbasically the source reveals detailed diagramms of uranium and helium bombs
Trill !CdO9t5zPsA 02/12/14(Wed)02:46 UTC+1 No.14164657
HOLY SHIT YESIs there more to be found by visiting the other pages?
Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)02:53 UTC+1 No.14164689
no – the rest of the sites you can visit through jodi are just random
Or atleast on those sites there is nothing hidden in the source
too bad. Do a whois?Also WTF
What was the exact page you pulled the source from?