home usually a long time ago” href=”http://hysterics.neocities.org/netart.html” target=”_blank”net art chiptune urban exploration
below is a list of various works of net art (or at times debatably only history) from across the world wide web. some of it is …
estudios online sobre arte y mujer
Margot LovejoyA Double Monument. Domestic Violence Victims
Nancy Paterson, “The Stockmarket Skirt”
* Naomi Potter, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”
* Faith Wilding
* Shelley Jackson, “My Body. A Wunderkamme…
hungry ghosts, augutsy: im going to post some weird “art”….
im going to post some weird “art” websites i know of
superbad.com (the classic, vaguely unnerving, no popups, perhaps mild epilepsy warning for some screens)
http://mouchette.org/(just discovered this …
ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature
By Martine Neddam
En s’appropriant Internet, les artistes diversifient les facettes de l’interactivité, ce qui n’est pas sans plaire aux internautes friands d’innovations, et pourtant à …
Exposition en ligne: Identités Précaires
mouchette.org est un site Internet créé en 1996 par une artiste d’Amsterdam portant le pseudonyme de « Mouchette ». Par son ton innocent et l’annonce de ses « presque 13 ans » sur sa homepage…
??????? ????? ????? mouchette.org! » ???????? ???????
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? ?????, ?? ??? ?????? ???? mouchette.org. ? ????? …
Independent identities or the representation of the cybernetic conduct
Mouchette is an adolescent net.artist who lives in Amsterdam, Holland, according to her descriptions in its site, and through its works, texts, images and interviews via e-mail.
028.OÉrgÏ is a …
L’ado qui s’est suicidée “s’auto-harcelait” sur Ask.fm – 7SUR7.be
On vous en avait parlé: Hannah Smith, une adolescente britannique, s’était pendue l’été dernier après avoir été harcelée sur Internet. La jeune fille posait des questions aux internautes anonymes sur …
Carlos Sáez en la cloaca | Madriz
¿Qué otras webs de net-art visitas? Me gusta www.maadonna.com, uno de los últimos proyectos de Emilio Gomariz y Kim Asendorf . También hay muchos clásicos interesantes como www.jodi.org o www.mouchette.org. Otra …
Si la toile regorge diversement de sites sur l’art (sites d’information générale, encyclopédies, bases de données, galeries virtuelles d’artistes ou de collections de musées, etc.), elle contient également plusieurs oeuvres d’art qui sont spécifiquement créées pour …
SFMOMA | OPEN SPACE » Blog Archive » Third Hand Plays: The Comedy of Simulation
The internet has been characterized by acts of fakery since its inception; in fact, the general tenor of one’s attitude toward information on the web …
Taos Talking Pixels 2001, A media art festival 12 years ago, with their page still online.
“Lullaby for a dead Fly” may turn you into a killer. Amsterdam-based artist Mouchette transforms your cursor into a deadly swatter in this …
When was the last time a net art show crashed your browser?
http://www.mouchette.org this is the best website all of internet….
Digital Interdisciplinary Art Practice_”Sousveillance“
…Artists I have met and liked:
Jacklyn Lewis
Heidi Nagtegaal
Stefan Gruber
Annie Tremblay
Hybrid Pulse! Sarah T’s Graphic design, video editing stuff!
the Autonomous Zone of The Realm of Reject
PSi Conference # 10 l Singapore 2004 l Hanne-Louise Johannesen l Associate Professor l Visual Culture l University of Copenhagen
This presentation deals with theoretical aspects of ‘self-staging’ and staging the other as strategies connected to the Internet. …
Why is Marcel Everett (a very young musician also known as XXYYXX) thanking me on his website?