Geeks Inadvertently making Net Art by Curt Cloninger
L’œuvre en devenir. Sociologie de la communication et des échanges créatifs à l’ère du numérique
Jean-Paul Fourmentraux
Depuis 1998, le Net art distingue les créations interactives conçues par, pour et avec le réseau Internet, vis-à-vis des formes d’art …
Para los que quieran explorar las paginas por si mismos, le dejo la lista negra de paginas relacionadas con el…
Les 12 Travaux de l’Internaute / The 12 Labors of the Internet User
Sometimes (very rarely), inside this Flash game, a link to Mouchette get activated.
So what kind of labor or danger is Mouchette, inside this lengendary narrative? A …
“To Be or Not to Be Mouchette”
An article in I ? E-Poetry
This work combines selections from entries by people who participated in Neddam’s interactive Mouchette website and places them in conversation by assigning them to moveable avatars and
Las metamorfosis de Mathilde Roussel | dadanoias
A link to Mouchette is hidden in the comments.
One Response to “Las metamorfosis de Mathilde Roussel”
Liens_NetArt_Hacktivisme – Emmetrop
Conférence à l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts d’Avignon, 18 janvier 2013…
My name is Mouchette. I live in Amsterdam. I am Nearly 13 years old
“This seemingly innocent introduction by a child artist hides the shocking content within Mouchette’s website. Allegedly authored by a twelve-year-old French girl, Mouchette …
I like that you like that he likes….…
wwwwwwwww. A truly classic piece from Belgian/Dutch artist duo Jodi. If you were starting to |
Conférence Internationale Francophone en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication
Geneviève Vidal
Maître de conférences – LabSIC Université Paris 13 – MSH Paris Nord
Suite à une enquête menée durant deux mois en 2002 auprès de 32 internautes rencontrés
Artistes / Artists :
Annie Abrahams ~ interface?
Argote Ivan ~ Time is money
Alain Barthelemy ~ fragments
Florent di Bartolo ~ The Hole
Pauline Bastard ~ Bleu
Christophe Bruno ~ Human Browser
Marco Cadioli ~ Remap Berlin…
Want to know what my tongue tastes like? Try it on your screen and tell me (
submitted 1 month ago by Earth_Intruders to glitch_art
I am Scott Ferry, a visual artist and author exploring my interests in haunted places, spirits, primeval witchcraft, alternate realities, death, possession and childhood. My artwork has become a medium for my theories and personal discoveries …
Artistas online |Arte y Políticas de Identidad
BALCELLS, Eugènia. Página Web oficial.
CUESTA, Salomé. Devenirvisible.
GARCÍA, Dora. La esfinge.
ORLAN. Página Web oficial.
ROSLER, Martha. Página Web oficial.
RUIDO, María. Página Web oficial…
Mouchette “An interactive realspace/cyberspace sound installation by artist Lisa Dale Miller to effect global healing in the next millennium.” N a t u r a l – S e l e c t i o n |