What is your name?
What is your age?
Not yet 13.
What is your occupation?
Being a person on the internet.
What is your nationality?
Where do you live?
Amsterdam, or so it …
?????. ????????? thewebsite ????? ????? ??? ???? ????????? ? TheAsWeb
???? ??????????:
Mouchette – ??? ???? ????? ??????? ????????? ??????-??? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????
Loshadka – 🙂 ? ??? ???? ???????? Loshadka
Date: 24 Dec 2014 06:21:36 CET
From: 40??? <cutesesame9233@yahoo.com.tw>
To: Mouchette <mouchette@mouchette.org>
Subject: RE: 3*Finally together 12,
Dear Mouchette,
Although I’m not sure why am I so meaningful to you,
I still very appreciate and treasure what you specially done …
Ewa Wójtowicz – net art: sztuka wobec interaktywno?ci < Techsty – Literatura i nowe media
SZTUKA W ERZE INFORMACYJNEJ przybiera nowe wcielenia, zwi?zane nieod??cznie z rozwojem technologii, wyzwaniami, jakie ów rozwój stawia, i pu?apkami, jakie przynosi. Internet istnieje i rozwija …
Movimento de arte contemporânea: net.art | Tendere
Você sabe o que é net.art?
Trata-se de um dos (vários) movimentos de arte contemporânea. A net.art (se escreve assim mesmo, com um ponto no meio), apareceu tão logo a internet comercial chegou …
Auteur: Joanne Lalonde
Éditeur: Presses de l’Université du Québec
(Lire en ligne ici ou ici ou télécharger gratuitement )
Ce livre présente un répertoire de vingt-six concepts qui décrivent de manière synthétique les enjeux théoriques et
Krytyka Polityczna – Marecki: O “net arcie”
Ta ksi??ka przede wszystkim wiele porz?dkuje. Je?li kto? nie do ko?ca wiedzia?, czym jest sztuka Internetu, na czym polega ró?nica mi?dzy „net.artem” a „net artem”, je?li komu? obi?y si? o uszy zjawiska jak …
Machines à écrire Une page web a propos d’un CDrom qui celebre Georges Perec et Raymond Queneau publié en 2000, assorti d’un lien sur mon site, une page et un lien vieux de 15 ans!
1999, …
Peter Guthrie uploaded 2 articles written by his master students and dealing with mouchette.org on Academia.edu
, professor at Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes
Fuck Everything: the dating sim that tackles rape culture | Dazed
The digital media artist Lena NW has created a really gross, highly surreal game called ‘Fuck Everything’, a simulation that confronts the aggressive male gaze, sex and nihilism.
Digital …
Sex, Internet, Zensur und Markenzeichen
Armin Medosch 17.10.2000
Drei vordergründig unverbundene Ereignisse in jüngerer Vergangenheit veranschaulichen den “Fortschritt” der Konsumgesellschaft auf dem Gebiet des Cybersex
Mouchette ist 12 Jahre alt, aus Amsterdam und macht Netzkunst. Der Name bedeutet auf französisch …
PERFORMANCES – WJ-S INSTALLATION – Browsing Browsing @ TRANSIENT FESTIVAL – Mains d’oeuvres – Saint-Ouen – WJ-S
Live browsing through a few hundreds of artistic online projects.
Anne Roquigny, French curator presents an exhibition of net art pieces (Netart, …
from the tumblr blog 9 9 7, a Wikipedia Quiz…
Il s’agit à première vue, d’un site d’une adolescente de presque 13 ans qui nous invite à naviguer entre les pages de son site, celles-ci vont s’avérer de plus en plus sombres. …
2003 Net Art Links compiled by Dr. Reinhold Grether as of March 2003:
0100101110101101.org 536 Artist Collective 6168 80/81 Annie Abrahams Kathy Acker Act Up Actions Réseaux Numériques Randy Adams Adbusters Erik Adigard Robert Adrian X Agricola de Cologne akuvido…
Martine Neddam — Dutch Art Institute, my bio published on the site, memory of a guest lecture, many years ago, in 2008 or 2009 maybe.
Martine Neddam is an artist who uses language as raw material. Since she began
En la publicación anterior coloqué una frase muy irónica y sugerente de un artista de la net llamado Mouchette. Vale la pena explicar un poco quién es este personaje virtual. Mouchette.org es un sitio que existe desde 1996, …