I hate to be frail, but Mouchette gives me the creeps. The creator of this disturbingly dark Web site has successfuly concealed his or her identity since its inception in 1996. But the persona around which the site exists is …
On Mar 25, 2004, at 9:34 AM, Peter Luining <email@ctrlaltdel.org> wrote:
Interview with Mouchette
Of course everybody knows Mouchette or better everybody
Design for Hypermedia | Course on web art and design, Academy of Visual Arts
Assignment 2 – A net art project (30%)
Use your own website to tell a short story about yourself. Identify a memorable event or touching moment …
Art games and Breakout: New media meets the American arcade by Tiffany Holmes
Summary : This paper explores how the interactive paradigms and interface designs of arcade classics like Breakout and Pong have been incorporated into contemporary art games and
Magazine électronique du CIAC
A l’instar de Mouchette, cette artiste (Victoria Welby) explore par la dialectique autant la notion du double que celle, plus paradoxale, de la dissimulation. Ce double signe amorce des fictions et esquisse les trames …
What does it mean to become someone’s cover photo on Facebook? That another screenshot of my homepage has been created and published.…
A young girl from Russia who couldn’t buy items from the fan shop and decided to make her own mouchette t-shirt!
From: Tadano Ryu <oppa_tadano_style@inbox.ru>
Date: October 12, 2013 1:03:45 PM GMT+02:00
Your work is just beautiful. They are perfect! …
The absorption of radical art movements by the mainstream has become a cliché of the avant-garde. “Subversion to assimilation to absorption”: a cycle net.artist Heath Bunting was accused …
TEMAZCAL Naandeyé García Villegas Máster en Multimedia y Audiovisual (Curso-2010/2011) Dpto. Escultura, Facultad de Bellas Artes de San Carlos Universidad Politécnica de Valencia- España…
Cuando alguno de mis amigos artistas me pregunta si realmente es posible el arte en la red, yo solo les respondo www.mouchette.org. No voy a tratar de desribirla, hay sensaciones que están mas allá de las palabras. Dice llamarse Mouchette. …
nearly thirteen
April 25, 2008 at 8:25 pm
I am trying to understand Mouchette. I signed up to be a member
Chez Poptronics, les + lus seront toujours les + lus et c’est précisément un article sur Mouchette (2007) archivé ici qui est le + lu!…
TURKMENBASHI, MON AMOUR / Martine Neddam ?Japanese) from *candy factory on Vimeo
ベルリン Berlin ZK/U 8/9 Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik
釜山 Busan 9/7 – 14 …
A poem by Tadano Ryu <oppa_tadano_style@inbox.ru>
I’m your Kai
with a frozen heart
and melting ice
in the eyes,
I would like to be immortal
and reside in your dreams.
You, too sick
these feelings,
fascinated by their beauty.
Do …
“I love you madly
I carve your nickname on the hand on the at heart.
you will forever remain in my heart.”
Tadano Ryu <oppa_tadano_style@inbox.ru>
A new gift from the fan-club…
Mouchette.org is een homepage van een niet-bestaand meisje van 13 jaar. De website is in 1996 gemaakt door een anonieme kunstenaar en is ontstaan uit een fascinatie voor homepages op het internet en de manier waarop …
Who is ‘Parked Domain Girl’?
For artist Parker Ito, she is The Most Infamous Girl in the History of the Internet…