The mini symposium offers an opportunity for
Op het gebied van computerkunst is Nederland een internationale grootmacht, maar vrijwel niemand weet dat. Daarom is er nu een Canon voor Digitale Kunst.
Mouchette is dertien jaar oud en woont in Amsterdam. Op haar homepage is een …
The afterlives of network-based artworks
Journal of the Institute of Conservation
Volume 40, 2017 – Issue 2
Due to the obsolescence of software programmes, hardware and network infrastructures, many network-based artworks have disappeared. How can we give them an …
Proud to have Mouchette in this archive!
The Digital Canon (1960–2000) of the Netherlands. Experts from the field of digital culture selected twenty of the most prominent and influential works made on Dutch soil by artists who lived or …
exhibition curated by Renata Šparada & Irena Borić
9 February – 17 March, Wed-Sun 12:00-17:00
IMPAKT Center for Media Culture, Lange Nieuwstraat 4, Utrecht. …
I Hate Mouchette
Martine Neddam
The Netherlands, 1996 (2019)
Installation and website
For Martine Neddam the ultimate way of expression is by means of fictitious identities. She uses her online character Mouchette to expose the neuralgic and soft spots of …
SQUINT dans la collection de l’Espace Multimedia Gantner
Première approche de l’œuvre
Le spectateur voit tout d’abord une page entièrement noire ; puis, lorsqu’il déplace la souris ou qu’il clique, une série d’images …
What: exhibition curated by Renata Šparada & Irena Borić
When: 9 February – 17 March, Wed-Sun 12:00-17:00
Where: IMPAKT Center for Media Culture, Lange Nieuwstraat 4, Utrecht.
How we are being misinformed in the age …
Buy Mou’coins and participate in the preservation of while making a financial investment.
Mou’coins are monetary units that you can own. Each Mou’coin is a piece of Mouchette’s website.
Mou’coins will rise up in value if the website…
November 9, 2018 at 11:30 am – 4:30 pm
With Martine Neddam, Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn, Simon Meek and Daniel Herron
The mini symposium offers an opportunity for
L’ADAGP n’a pas bien fait son travail. J’ai finalement reçu les images que le Centre Georges Pompidou leur a envoyées. Mais je n’ai plus confiance en cette société des droits d’auteurs.
Voici les images de ce mur d’information à propos …
Necsus | Assembling traces, or the conservation of net art by Annet Dekker.
Download the PDF here: Assembling_traces_or_the_conservation_of_net_art
Or read it online at the University of Amsterdam
Net art is built and distributed through a complex, intricate, and interrelated …
Mouchette de Bresson ou la misère à front de taureau
Sorti en 1967, tiré d’un texte de 1937 inspiré à Bernanos par le courage des fusillés espagnols, Mouchette de Robert Bresson narre l’histoire brève et sombre d’une petite campagnarde …
The preservation of Mouchette by Martine Neddam and Karin De Wild.
Here is a PDF version of the Power Point presentation created for Besides the Screen : Martine+Karin3…
Vaults, Archives, Clouds and Platforms:
Archiving and Preservation in the 21st Century
King’s College, London, UK (2 – 3 July 2018)
Karin de Wild & Martine Neddam
‘’ is an artwork that appeared on the
You can read it online here
Or download the pdf here or here
Collecting and Conserving Net A – Annet Dekker
Annet Dekker: Collecting and Conserving Net Art: Moving beyond Conventional Methods (2018)
“Collecting and Conserving Net Art explores …
Seen in the exhibition “Coder le Monde” in the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.
This was most probably inserted in a historical panel, and I would deduct it from the size of the date. I received that photo from a …
In 2011, I curated NetArtWorks, a series of small thematic online net art exhibitions on the theme of Identity Works for SKOR (Foundation for Art and Public Domain) in Amsterdam. Each presentation consisted of two newly …
Neddam explores the aesthetics of software and code in profound and intricate ways. With prominent moving GIFs, a mix of different language styles (from literary poetry and invented language to audience comments), …
Chinihan by Van Leo (Cairo)…