au CAP Saint-Fons
07/06 ? 12/07 & Ouverture : 7 juin à 16h
Artistes, encore un effort. Une traversée de l’artothèque de Saint-Fons
Léa Emmélie Adilon, Jean-Paul Albinet , Igor Antic’ , John Armleder , Olivier Babin , Fabienne Ballandras …
L’ado qui s’est suicidée “s’auto-harcelait” sur –
On vous en avait parlé: Hannah Smith, une adolescente britannique, s’était pendue l’été dernier après avoir été harcelée sur Internet. La jeune fille posait des questions aux internautes anonymes sur …
Today is the birthday of Agnès Varda, my favourite film maker. She has decorated the wall of her back yard with a painted cloud.
Here is what she says about her films: “I try to find fluidity in whatever I …
She lives on a symmetrical crossing of streets | GeoTales
My Orange Wrapper is now on my window sill. This picture is also in their blogs called GeoTales.
If you like this work, you can order your own here…
MARTINE NEDDAM | Mesto žensk – City of Women
Martine Neddam is a French artist living in Amsterdam. Her work of art uses language as raw material: speech acts, modes of address, texts in the public
Here’s something I was thinking about. It only works for people who believe there is more than this life though, and don’t know what’s on the other side like myself. I believe there is more than this world because I …
Mouchette is the contrary of Shibboleth: she/I came back from death because I guessed her name and said it.
Pronunciation as Death Sentence
shibboleth |? sh ib?li?; -?le ?| noun. a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class …
Mademoiselle Leegte is already busy learning her classics in!
— — — —– — — —– — ——- —– —– — — — —– — — —– — ——- —– —– — — — —– — — —– — …
PROGRAM Martine Neddam and her guests Arthur Dirksen and Andre Castro present: Computer Voice; the Ghost in the Machine
A collaborative presentation in 3 parts. When machines can speak we believe …
Hoe is de relatie tussen theorie en praktijk in kunst veranderd? | Folia Web
27 april 2013 12:00 |De wekelijkse doorgeefvraag: een wetenschapper stelt een vraag aan een collega uit een ander vakgebied. Patricia Pisters (hoogleraar mediastudies, UvA) vraagt aan …
If I were a fly, I would represent the place where I live like this: a perfect crossroads seen from the sky, with me in the center, this imaginary point where two streets meet. From that ideal view point, it …
I just received my copy of the ELMCIP Anthology of Electronic Literature where “To Be or Not To Be Mouchette” is included.
Talan Memmott presents the ELMCIP Anthology of Electronic Literature, which was being launched on 3 November at the … is all made in Flash. The front page (from a Mouchette picture) swings around and is hard to catch. A game of hide and seek which shows it was hard for me to come out as the author of …
This work “Family Photos” comes from a pre-mouchette time, when when I was working with language, translations, ext banners, installations, objects, etc… This is a lithography on mirror paper (terphane) made in 1990 in URDLA in Lyon where I used … – Swap, Use & Abuse your identity.
I remember how uncomfortable it was to talk about this multiple identity artistic situation of mine, when I didn’t know how confidential it had to be, and who I could let …
Drones / Birds: Princes of Ubiquity | GeoTales
All the the Orange Wrappers by Polak and Van Bekkum have been exhibited in a show in Brussels. And mine too!…
Conférence à l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts d’Avignon, 18 janvier 2013…
An article in The New Yorker about Ithkuil and its creator John Quijada. Quijada’s invented language: Ithkuil has two seemingly incompatible ambitions: to be maximally precise but also maximally concise.
My desktop pictures are taken at random from my Iphoto library. So I have made all these pictures myself but sometimes I don’t recognize them. Where did I make this one? In China perhaps? This angel seems to be shooting …
“Turkmenbashi Mon Amour ” really needs a large screen in a black room to come to life. After Montréal in May 2011, I had Ljubljana in October to be sure of it.…