Mortuus Nix~Dead Snow • *MOUCHETTE*
So i found this website from r/Creepy
Its really weird the main page has a few fly’s on the screen as well as info on i guess the owner of the site
clicking on the …
Mouchette, 13 ans ou presque, Amsterdam |
Mouchette a 13 ans, ou presque, et elle vit à Amsterdam. C’est en entendant son rire enjoué de jeune adolescente qu’on découvre d’abord son site qui évoque un journal intime numérique dans …
Q1. Look up the defination of Hypertext ( wikipedia) and choose the best 2 art projects from the artists above that best exmplfiy that concept. Give reasons.
– Hypertext is text that is displayed on a computer display …
oh my god i just had a dream that i was watching like an “exposing internet celebrities” video with nas and this dude was going through the list of like kotakoti and kiki kannibal and mollysoda and then …
This is an art piece my friend Gio found a couple years ago. It’s a website created in ’96, an early example of Internet art.
Here’s more about the site, but it might be fun …
How Can Tylenol Reduce Existential Dread?
a list of creepy things
under the readmore is a long list of weird creepy things with appropriate warnings!
Comments | ohnotheydidnt: Creepy Post: Trailer For Sundance Buzzed Horror Film ‘The Babadook
L’œuvre en devenir. Sociologie de la communication et des échanges créatifs à l’ère du numérique. Par Jean Paul Fourmentraux 200
Une autre stratégie de mise en scène du Net art instaure,
Mademoiselle Leegte is already busy learning her classics in!
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What the Hell is going on today? More than 10.000 clicks on my site, and it’s not finished. It’s from Reddit forum, I copied the whole thread, but I still don’t understand…
This work “Family Photos” comes from a pre-mouchette time, when when I was working with language, translations, ext banners, installations, objects, etc… This is a lithography on mirror paper (terphane) made in 1990 in URDLA in Lyon where I used …
Subject: <My Real Face>
From: <>
Date: <Thu, 28 June 2001 01:32:40 + 0500>
To: <>
I recently took part in a series of public presentations on web art at the Power Plant in Toronto. …
Mouchette et ses survivances: un remix de
On peut le visionner aussi à partir du site de
(+_+), hagbreath: here’s a ton of weird websites for your viewing pleasure.
Exhibition Knotenpunkte, Nodes 2007
in Germany in Museum Siegen
Here is my part of the catalogue: Knotnepunkte-catalogue.pdf
And this is the blog I made at that moment.
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Mouchette is a young teenager living in the tough country. Her mother is going to die, and
her father does not take care of her. Mouchette does not manage …
Mouchette chez Copie-Copains-Club est un site Internet créé en 1996 par une artiste d’Amsterdam portant le pseudonyme de « Mouchette ». Par son ton innocent et l’annonce de ses « presque 13 ans » sur sa homepage, ce qui …
Mouchette, Mouchette
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