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Intimidad | REMEDIOS ZAFRA « Interartive | Contemporary Art + Thought
Decía Barthes de lo privado que no es solamente un bien, “es también, y más allá, el lugar absolutamente precioso, inalienable, en que mi imagen
Today is the birthday of Agnès Varda, my favourite film maker. She has decorated the wall of her back yard with a painted cloud.
Here is what she says about her films: “I try to find fluidity in whatever I …
Mouchette (pseudónimo)
Año de creación
Mouchette.org es un sitio web interactivo creado en Amsterdan en el año 1996 por una artista que se llama a sí misma “MOUCHETTE”. El secreto de la …
Wow! A real tribute to Mouchette! It’s been ages since the last one was made, nobody can write html anymore nowadays.
Is it made by an art student, or an anonymous artist re-creating Mouchette’s website as …
Art et Internet | unmondemoderne
Les débuts du Net Art se font en 1995, et tout particulièrement en France où les gouvernements ont soutenu ses efforts. L’extrême jeunesse du médium artistique rend son analyse complexe et la nouvelle relation entre …
and some people going after her
In the Tumblr blog of there’s something, an article called: Identity Fictions
Mouchette.org is an interactive website created in 1996 by a pseudonymous character, an Amsterdam-based artist who calls herself “Mouchette”. With her innocent salutation and claims to be …
Video Robert Bresson vu par Jean Luc Godard, Louis Malle, François Reichenbach et Marguerite Duras notice archives video ina.fr.
CINEMA-CINEMAS | MOUCHETTE ( Film complet ). In french with spanish subtitles
Awesome anonymous online project from the ’90s.