If you’ve had any dealings with Rhizome over the past two and a half years, chances are you’ve interacted with our editorial manager, Kaela Noel. As
It was so hard to show my face next to the work and publicise it. I did it and survived 😉…
Is Mouchette surviving through her visitors or are the visitors surviving through Mouchette ?
In the PHD of Paule Mackrous, a part is devoted to this very blog (from page 197, on) and the relation with her own fictional …
A Goodbye and a Hello from Rhizome HQ
If you’ve had any dealings with Rhizome over the past two and a half years, chances are you’ve interacted with our editorial manager, Kaela Noel. As
Here is an invitation page for a private encounter
This work (to/you/only) exists since 2002, but you can only see it when I have your email inside my database. Here, for the first time you can offer your email for …
This could be my New Year’s card for 2016, carrying all my best wishes for everyone. Why? Why be so obsessed about a film on the Shoah and the Sondercommandos? What mysterious message does it carry to the future, some …
Date: 24 Dec 2014 06:21:36 CET
From: 40??? <cutesesame9233@yahoo.com.tw>
To: Mouchette <mouchette@mouchette.org>
Subject: RE: 3*Finally together 12,
Dear Mouchette,
Although I’m not sure why am I so meaningful to you,
I still very appreciate and treasure what you specially done …
Flyvision! has a Mouchette in New York, a very pretty girl indeed. In 2004, Pierre de Kerangal, the (secret) author of the Flyvision website was writing his Phd on artistic collaboration and players’ identity. I still wonder if …
Finally, we’re so far: Mydesktoplife.org, my new software is up and running! The editing system is AMAZING but one can’t access it yet, it’s still a prototype. I can let people have a peek into some of the works …
AKAirways: Inflatable Art and Architecture
AKAirways: Inflatable Art and Architecture
Event: Mouchette Come-Out (Press Release)
Venue: Postmaster Gallery
Address: 459 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011
Date*: 2003 04 20
Description: Three-layer clear inflatable structure (option 2) …
GESCHLECHTSVERKEHR: the tumblr blog of youngflowergirl
Youngflowergirl.co.vu with her “selfies” and her “vanuatu” domain name is is being vain, which is not uncommon for a mouchette fan. But besides that……
made in 1999 (you need flash+sound+curiosity)
Possibly my favourite piece on the website.…
Les 12 Travaux de l’Internaute / The 12 Labors of the Internet User
Sometimes (very rarely), inside this Flash game, a link to Mouchette get activated.
So what kind of labor or danger is Mouchette, inside this lengendary narrative? A …
The pomegranate seeds, red and shiny jewels, have fecondated the image with seeds of reality.
I have always been obssessed with private rituals.
When will I ver start believing in their power?
Pomegranates, overexposed, hanging in a bare tree appeared on my desktop. My own magic fruit, my good omen, my blessing…
Where was that pomegranate tree?
in China, a garden in Suzhou, I believe. And maybe, if I remember well, …