LONELY GIRL: a show with 7 female artists.
From an article in Vice: The show, titled Lonely Girl, got its name from the YouTube web series LonelyGirl15, which trolled the entire internet in 2006 by …
The Mouchette Shop is not functioning anymore, but Sylvia who created it, has left her mark, and she still has her own fans.
The site Parkeddomaingirltombstone.net is still under heavy construction and now we know who did it: Emilie Gervais who seems very much like a new incarnation of Mouchette, except that she’s not anonymous (but the website is).
when someone asks me what net art is i immediately show them mouchette.org. in the same vein, when someone asks me what the strangest site i’ve ever seen is i immediately show them mouchette.org. certainly there
De scriptie van Marleen Wagenaar
Conservering van computer-based art in Nederland
Een onderzoek naar het beheer en behoud van computer?based art in zowel Nederlandse musea als aan de hand van Soundmovie enH2Oor van eddie d en Mouchette.org van Martine Neddam…
Universidad de Quilmes 2.1. Webart
El Webart es una subcategoría dentro de lo que entendemos como net art. En particular, se habla de Webart cuando vemos una propuesta artística está basada, y su razón de ser está centrada, en el
[Nettime-bold] Lullaby for a dead fly
Mouchette on 2 Dec 2000 20:18:05 -0000 |
Internet Studio USC, Rough Notes for 8/28/13
Here’s a quick and dirty list of some of the sites we looked at in class today. Much more to come.
http://therevolvinginternet.com/ Constant Dullaart
http://www.internetarchaeology.org/index.htm Ryder Ripps
this.fiction is a second film made with MyDesktopLife (my new software).
(Watch with Safari, or Firefox, avoid Chrome which has bugs)
A funny bug: after the first loop, the olia gif stays on for good through the second loop and …
Links page: New media art/net.art
Bureau of Inverse Technology
Lair of the Marrow Monkey
The secret garden of Mutabar
Dextro.org Great site of digital graphics/art, 3d imagery, typoghraphical art/posters, etc
Golan Levin an mit students …
A very strange website with some dark and unsettling turns. : creepy (mouchette.org)
submitted by FerdinandoFalkland
[–]lurkylurking Well, I just sent her an email with a throwaway account. Lets see if she
VOICE, my first work on MyDesktopLife (or at least that’s what I’m saying now). Beware: it works best on Safari, and is not tested on all browsers and platforms.
Collège international de Philosophie
Travaux de diktyologie générale — « Réseaux d’art : au-delà d’un conformisme de la subversion »
(…) l’extrême désarroi du spectateur/opérateur devant les …
Finally, we’re so far: Mydesktoplife.org, my new software is up and running! The editing system is AMAZING but one can’t access it yet, it’s still a prototype. I can let people have a peek into some of the works …
????? ?????? 21″????? ??????” | VK
???????? ??????? – “??????? ????? ????? mouchette.org!”
(Mouchette, inside an horror story which I cannot read…)
????????????, ????????. ???????? ?? ????????. ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ?????. ? ?? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ??????, ???? ?? ?? ???? ??????. …
Mediamatic.net – Swap, Use & Abuse your identity.
I remember how uncomfortable it was to talk about this multiple identity artistic situation of mine, when I didn’t know how confidential it had to be, and who I could let …
Mark Tribe/Reena Jana/Uta Grosenick
Ed. Taschen
A continuación la lista de sitios a consultar para el trabajo “Arte y Nuevas Tecnologías”
fuck sanji., im going to post some weird “art” websites i know….…
Arts numériques 1
Low tech – Javascript
Mouchette.org: Site hollandais d’une pionnière du web, Mouchette collecte des expérimentation web, avec une navigation délinérément confusante (sic).…