“Mouchette”, by oOoOO’s (Chris Dexter) reviewed in cutting practice
This is “Mouchette”, off of oOoOO’s (Chris Dexter) Without Your Love out on Nihjgt Feelings 06.24.13 (preorder here). I included oOoOO’s list of upcoming shows, below, as …
Social Networking With The Living Dead
A text by Matt Pearson (@zenbullets), an extract from his new book Novelty Waves
Twitter is the land of the dead. In this social networking microcosm the living, real human content generators; and …
netpoetic.com > Introduction to Electronic Literature: a freeware guide
I’ve been working on a project based on my courses on electronic literature. I’ve been teaching it for over five years now, and am getting a sense of the texts that …
Hoe is de relatie tussen theorie en praktijk in kunst veranderd? | Folia Web
27 april 2013 12:00 |De wekelijkse doorgeefvraag: een wetenschapper stelt een vraag aan een collega uit een ander vakgebied. Patricia Pisters (hoogleraar mediastudies, UvA) vraagt aan …
Penn State University — School of Visual Arts
Spring 2013
ART 476 History of Digital Art
Professor: Eduardo Navas (eduardo@navasse.net)
Th 2:30 – 5:30 PM
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:30 to 3:30 by Appointment
Please contact me at: ean13@psu.edu
Syllabus: Online…
Culture Jamming & Appropriation
||| Week 14 |||
Lisa Hutton
A summary of the film from IMDB reads: Mouchette is a young teenager living in …
Mouchette is a community. Mouchette website is show very well one of the
typical features of Web art. That is the interplay between artist and audience. She ever
catch the …
Here are 8 works of early net.art. Each of them has an extra link for info or context. Browse them and be curious. See how far you come. We will discuss these works on 23 April. But first discover them …
i m p r o v i s i n g s y s t e m s: MOUCHETTE…building a persona
Originally ….. Mouchette is a 1967 French film directed by Robert Bresson.It is based on the novel by Georges …
Drones / Birds: Princes of Ubiquity | GeoTales
All the the Orange Wrappers by Polak and Van Bekkum have been exhibited in a show in Brussels. And mine too!…
She lives on a symmetrical crossing of streets | GeoTales
My Orange Wrapper is now on my window sill. This picture is also in their blogs called GeoTales.
If you like this work, you can order your own here…
If I were a fly, I would represent the place where I live like this: a perfect crossroads seen from the sky, with me in the center, this imaginary point where two streets meet. From that ideal view point, it …
Chez Moi is now an Urban Fruit. It’s one of the first web pages I ever made is and it is still being visited. I must have made it in 1995, a time when I was happily playing with …
Intimidad Romero: abstracciones sociales | ABSOLUT Network
Rostros pixelados, ciudades difuminadas, carteles, monumentos públicos, coches, zapatillas, portadas de revistas y objetos diversos, todos inmortalizados y convertidos en obras fotográficas, intervenidas digitalmente para desdibujar sus elementos fundamentales. Estamos hablando de las …
Jaka Železnikar | 13. 4. 2002
V tedenski obliki pojavljanja novic o spletni umetnosti pišem ve?inoma o njej sami, a tudi o njenem širšem okviru sodobne umetnosti in teorije, ki je povezana z njo.…
in-class writing: cyborg/avatar | Literature in a Wired World
Browse ONE of the following Web 2.0 storytelling projects:
made in 1999 (you need flash+sound+curiosity)
Possibly my favourite piece on the website.…
Catherine Mouchet is a wonderful actress who played Thérèse (the saint Thérèse of Lisieux) in the film by Alain Cavalier in 1986.
Nothing to do with Mouchette, as such, (except her family name: Mouchet), and her acting style, so pure …
Art74 – Introduction to Digital Media info site
READING # 2 — for April 3rd
Natalie Bookchin — the intruder page 30 — http://bookchin.net/projects/intruder.html
Shu Lea Cheang — Brandon page 36 — http://brandon.guggenheim.org/
Etoy — …