Un long article de Cécile Petit sur le net art en français publié en décembre 2002 dans la revue canadienne Archée publiée à Montréal. Cette revue …
What Rhizome needs to promote a campaign on digital art history is a blurred photo of Mouchette or two… Don’t talk about archives, obsolescence, net-art and outdated browsers. With Mouchette everyone gets sentimental and opens their wallet.…
Internet art classes by Fabio Fon, in Brazilian, with English subtitles
Videolecture about art production designed especially for Internet, the so-called Web Art – or net.art or Internet art. In this video, Brazilian artist-researcher Fabio FON starts from …
In killmouchette.com it’s full of hidden links and secret connections….…
Igor Stromajer, an old net.art friend, came across this unusual book and took some snaps while flipping through: Net Art Guide from 2000 (Fraunhofer, Stuttgart). Around 50+ net artists of the time, amazing screenshots, links, lists of festivals, biographies, …
Depuis l’an 2000, le festival accès)s( à Pau nous laisse entrevoir par le prisme des arts électroniques les convergences hommes-machines, leurs utopies et leurs débordements futurs, initiant chaque année par …
Le netart : une histoire en cours avec Thomas Cheneseau
Auteur Véronique Godé Publié le 1 décembre 2020
Un extrait de l’interview:
XX n’est pas une exposition virtuelle mais une …
Another work I explored is Mouchette. To me, this work really toes the line between art and Elit. I was interested in this work because it was described as a piece that explores issues of identity …
Internet Art and Agency
The Social Lives of Online Artworks
De Wild, Karin
University of Dundee
Award date: 2019
Awarding institution: University of Dundee
Link to publication
During the 1990s, artists started to explore the possibilities …
The Net Art Anthology
A beautiful book made by Rhizome has just arrived!
Here is my part of the of the anthology on the website of Rhizome…
E-Identidades: el “yo” en el Net.art
Publisher: Editado por el Grupo de investigación Eumed.net (SEJ 309), Universidad de Málaga
Publication Date: 2013
Resumen: La Identidad, un concepto en crisis en los últimos tiempos, ha tenido un …
The first exhibition of Natural Habitat aims to introduce new ways of looking at internet art and considering it equally qualified, even though it hasn’t been the case due to the medium it uses. We believe it is very much …
Currently Unavailable: A fake net.art book, automatically generated.…
João Pedro França Gonçalves
O Espaço Virtual no Âmbito do Social,
das Artes Visuais e do Ensino
Relações de interinfluência
numer albumu : 9441
Praca dyplomowa
pod kierunkiem promotora:
dr hab. Grzegorza Bilińskiego
Kraków 2016
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie
Wydział Intermediów, Katedra Obszarów Sztuki
studia stacjonarne drugiego stopnia, dyplom w Pracowni Archisfery…
Hemos pedido una breve declaración a algunos de los más activos representantes de las diferentes tendencias del net.art, dejándoles completa libertad para enfocarla hacia el tema que más les interese o preocupe. Roberta Bosco y …
Breaking mirrors: my last art discoveries #001
Breaking mirrors are topics about my last art discoveries compiled as a reminder and/or as an inspiration well. Art works will go with references and ,sometimes, presentation texts about it. You …
Could Leonardo da Vinci ever have predicted that his paintings would be preserved in the same institutes that would come to display a urinal? …