Today I lost my voice.
Today I imagined creating an online event about cloudkeepers for HotelMariaKapel in Hoorn.
What are cloudkeepers?…
Artist Creates Realistic Portrait Sculptures Using Paper | The Creators Project
This is how I imagine a portrait should be: leaving the cuts open.
Mouchette is being set to music for Soprano and Chamber Ensemble. View the score here: Mouchette by Alvaro Rojas…
Histories of Early Net Art in European Context | Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology
Talk: 3.00 pm to 4.30pm on 29th Wednesday, 2012 at N2 Campus Open Space.…
My name is Xiao Qian, I am an artist and I create virtual persons…
Marc Boon was the first programmer of Between 1998 and 2001 he created the whole database system behind the website, something nobody else had at that time, at least no other artist. …
Céline Ahond in her performance on 7 july took us around in her quest of the Ultimate Fly.
But is it about the Fly or The Name of the Fly?
Why do flies always seem to follow me?
Saturday 7 July, I met one special fly at the Maison Descartes in Amsterdam.…
This is the shelf in my living room. On the top shelf you can see a picture of Mouchette (Nadine Nortier) being carried in the arms of Bresson the film maker. Below this shelf is a work of Lawrence wiener, …
I received a message asking for permission to set some texts of Mouchette to music. I agreed on it. I’m curious to hear it one day……
Out of the digital closet
or Neddam has a tumblr blog and nothing to do with it except reblogging some Mouchette film stuff.
Get a life, Martine Neddam!…
Patty O’Green a plein de choses à ne pas dévoiler. Suivez-la en secret! Vous adorerez son look “”.…
The Goddess of 1967.
3 february, snow came in Amsterdam today and I dug up a coat made of fake fur from the bottom of my closet. I find in the pocket a cinema ticket dating back from 2001, …
Trust the moment you find yourself in.
Those who noticed the Iphone next to the pillow can now know what is on the lock screen: it’s my hand holding a card saying “Trust the moment you find yourself in”.
And …
Mouchette carried by Bresson has landed now on my pillow….
The character Mouchette has committed suicide but the artist who told her story has rescued her from oblivion, and taken care of the actress after she’d dived into the water.…
Mon plus beau cadeau de Noel c’est d’avoir découvert cette photo de Mouchette portée par Robert Bresson. Sauvée des eaux ne serait pas ici un vain mot, car cette photo de tournage se situe à un moment bien précis du …
Listen to her voice in this film trailer created by Jean-Luc Godard himself.…
This is her sad face, her dull appearance, her absent look, her dirty hair. She is excluded from the world, gazing at her last chance drifting away from her, or locked inside her bitter thoughts. The young actress Nadine Nortier …